Sarah Ereira
Help please ! my otherwise nice new computer crashes 2-3 times a day
with this message:
Error signature
BCCode: 9c
BCP1: 00000004 BCP2: 80545FF0 BCP3: B2000000 BCP4: 00070F0F
OSVer: 5_1_2600 SP: 2_0 Product 256_1
Does anyone know what this means ?
Many thanks if so. ATB, Sarah
with this message:
Error signature
BCCode: 9c
BCP1: 00000004 BCP2: 80545FF0 BCP3: B2000000 BCP4: 00070F0F
OSVer: 5_1_2600 SP: 2_0 Product 256_1
Does anyone know what this means ?
Many thanks if so. ATB, Sarah