PA said:
You waited all of 1½ hours before beginning this new thread. Please
understand that we're all volunteers here (even MVPs), it's a weekend
(with lots of football!), everyone's running around doing holiday
shopping and living lives outside of this newsgroup. Be patient and see
what others might have to contribute eventually to your original thread.
I did not create this post to being up the earlier thread, since they
have nothing to do with one another. I was just trying to determine here
why the install of the scripting engine failed. After all I downloaded
ie6setup.exe and just tried re-installing IE. Is it really too much to
ask that it should work, like any other installation program ? Therefore
I posted this thread when it did not. I do not need to apologize for
that or defend it in any way.
As it turned out I solved the problem from the previous thread about IE
not picking up ASP pages, so I really do not need to re-install IE anymore.
To reinstall IE6 SP1 in Win2K, you would first have to uninstall all
Service Packs (including Win2K SP4 Rollup 1) that were installed after
IE6 was installed.
That may be the solution but I will pass. I am still laughing that an
installation of the latest IE6 requires a de-installation of all
previous Win2k service packs after IE6 was installed. As if I even
remember which service packs those are, or that I would care to do such
a thing just to get the latest release of a product re-installed.
You should be able to (re)install Windows 5.6 Script Engine independent
of reinstalling IE6:
Thanks I will check that out and try it.
Any number of third-party apps (e.g., Norton products) are known to
uninstall or befoul this, Ed.
OK, that sounds possible, if unfortunate, and certainly not MS's fault.
Is the machine fully patched at Windows Update?
I am glad you asked. I have Microsoft Update installed. Go to the
Microsoft Update online forum and there you will see quite a number of
end-users documenting that Microsoft Update ( or Windows Update ) is now
broken for them, and gives errors when attempting to update software. I
am one of those, and the errors I receive are duplicated by a number of
end-users, who have also reported the same problem. I do not believe
that Microsoft has yet corrected the problem despite the reports there.
When someone wakes them up maybe they will get Microsoft Update working
Thanks for your help.