When I re-publish my website incorporating changes to pages I get an error
message from Front Page. The error message is Write error on file
"/www2ec/eallen2/30threunion-2.gif tmp . The website address
http;//home.ec.rr.com/eallen2, 30th reunion-2 refers to a photo on the
website. What is this error caused by? I have reinstalled the photo 30th
reunion-(2) on the appropriate page with no effect. Thanks for your help
message from Front Page. The error message is Write error on file
"/www2ec/eallen2/30threunion-2.gif tmp . The website address
http;//home.ec.rr.com/eallen2, 30th reunion-2 refers to a photo on the
website. What is this error caused by? I have reinstalled the photo 30th
reunion-(2) on the appropriate page with no effect. Thanks for your help