When first installed was fine, but now, for no reason I
can see, when first page of program comes up,it reads-
System Summary-big red X- saying no scan sinceFeb.28--run
This is wrong,as a scan was run on March 1&2.When I run
a scan, it runs fine with no threats showing, all other
areas ok, etc. Does anyone know how(or IF) I can remove
eroneous sign?? I have tried uninstalling & reinstalling-
sign remains on. I know this is a BETA program-- I just
would like to assure the system is working properly,
despite the sign.
can see, when first page of program comes up,it reads-
System Summary-big red X- saying no scan sinceFeb.28--run
This is wrong,as a scan was run on March 1&2.When I run
a scan, it runs fine with no threats showing, all other
areas ok, etc. Does anyone know how(or IF) I can remove
eroneous sign?? I have tried uninstalling & reinstalling-
sign remains on. I know this is a BETA program-- I just
would like to assure the system is working properly,
despite the sign.