Error (object expected) DHTML mouseover error

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mykk
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I am not the most technical person so I have used FrontPage 2003 to
design my webpages. I just learned how to do the DHTML effects and
they work great with pictures swaps. However when I do a mouseover
text effect I get errors unless I am using the PC I created the site

My website in question is

As you can see the mouseover effects for the pictures are great, but
the text is giving me errors.

They are all the object expected error. I would post all the lines but
to make it easier for you guys I will post one.... line 141 char 1

Could anyone give me a hand here.

To publish the sites webpages I merely make sure I upload the page and
content to the server. I do it manually... FTP and copy paste.
(basically I open the site via FrontPage to upload my website)
I like the control of knowing all the pieces are up on the server.

Thanks ahead of time....for any help given
Does it have anything to do with this line

<script language="JavaScript1.2" fptype="dynamicanimation"

The part where it is pointing to my C drive.... if so how do I fix
it.... for those looking for it in the souce it is line 14
Mykk said:
I am not the most technical person so I have used FrontPage 2003 to
design my webpages. I just learned how to do the DHTML effects and
they work great with pictures swaps. However when I do a mouseover
text effect I get errors unless I am using the PC I created the site

My website in question is

As you can see the mouseover effects for the pictures are great, but
the text is giving me errors.

They are all the object expected error. I would post all the lines
but to make it easier for you guys I will post one.... line 141 char 1

Could anyone give me a hand here.

To publish the sites webpages I merely make sure I upload the page and
content to the server. I do it manually... FTP and copy paste.
(basically I open the site via FrontPage to upload my
website) I like the control of knowing all the pieces are up on the

Thanks ahead of time....for any help given

This line is worng
<script language="JavaScript1.2" fptype="dynamicanimation"
It is an absolute reference to a file on your C: drive

It should be a relatie reference, i.e.
<script language="JavaScript1.2" fptype="dynamicanimation"
since animate.js is located at
(I think I have that right)
ya I just put that there.. I copied and pasted it from my c drive.....
what I am wondering though is now everytime I do additional DHTML
effects in FrontPage will I have to upload this file everytime?

Seems sort of a pain.
I have also found that FrontPage wont let me link to it unless I paste
it directly in the same directory folder as the website... thus I now
have three folders with the same file in them. When I type
.../../animate.js or ../fpclass/animate.js depending on location of
file, it changes it back upon saving in FrontPage.
Mykk said:
I have also found that FrontPage wont let me link to it unless I paste
it directly in the same directory folder as the website... thus I now
have three folders with the same file in them. When I type
../../animate.js or ../fpclass/animate.js depending on location of
file, it changes it back upon saving in FrontPage.

I am glad that you got it to work.

But as to why FP changes what you type, I am afraid we need someone more
expert than I to reply.

Let's hope :-))