error msg Internet Explorer 7



error msg: We're sorry the contents you have requested are temporarily
unavailable. Please try again later.
This happens mostly when I open my AOL e-mails. The e-mails are opening but
I still get the error msg.


Thanks Alan: Do you think it might help to go back to IE6? If so, how would I
do that?


Hi Alan
I printed out the instructions to remove IE7 but in the meantime also posted
to the IE discussion grp as you suggested. Don't I need Internet Explorer at
Thanks, Helga

Alan Edwards

Hi Helga

Yes, you need IE and while you can uninstall IE7 to go back to IE6,
you cannot remove IE altogether.



Hi Alan: I followed the advice of someonefrom the IE site that you suggested
and used RIES (resetting IE7) , also I upgraded to AOL9.1 and (keeping my
fingers crossed) the problem seems to be gone. Thank you for your adivice!

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