I've been struggling with this error for a while now...hope someone out there
can help.
I have a form where the user would enter the parameters for a crosstab
query. The crosstab query works fine, and when I open the form and enter
parameters and then open the query, the query still works.
However, when I open the report, I get the following error:
Microsoft jet database engine does not recognize " as a valid fieldname or
So I am guessing that there is an issue in the VB module? The odd thing is
that this module worked in another version of my db, but unfortunately, I had
to re-do the db to change some tables and ended up copying and pasting the
module into my new db. Now the report doesn't work.
Could someone point me in the right direction as to where the problem might
lie? I feel like I've looked everywhere!!!
Here is my VB module:
Option Compare Database
' Constant for maximum number of columns qry_standard query would
' create - Currently 6 products.
Const conTotalColumns = 10
' Variables for Database object and Recordset.
Dim dbsReport As DAO.Database
Dim rstReport As DAO.Recordset
' Variables for number of columns and row and report totals.
Dim intColumnCount As Integer
Dim lngRgColumnTotal(1 To conTotalColumns) As Long
Dim lngReportTotal As Long
Private Sub InitVars()
Dim intX As Integer
' Initialize lngReportTotal variable.
lngReportTotal = 0
' Initialize array that stores column totals.
For intX = 1 To conTotalColumns
lngRgColumnTotal(intX) = 0
Next intX
End Sub
Private Function xtabCnulls(varX As Variant)
' Test if a value is null.
If IsNull(varX) Then
' If varX is null, set varX to 0.
xtabCnulls = 0
' Otherwise, return varX.
xtabCnulls = varX
End If
End Function
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' Put values in text boxes and hide unused text boxes.
Dim intX As Integer
' Verify that you are not at end of recordset.
If Not rstReport.EOF Then
' If FormatCount is 1, put values from recordset into text boxes
' in "Detail" section.
If Me.FormatCount = 1 Then
For intX = 1 To intColumnCount
' Convert Null values to 0.
Me("Col" + Format(intX)) = xtabCnulls(rstReport(intX - 1))
Next intX
' Hide unused text boxes in the "Detail" section.
' For intX = intColumnCount + 2 To conTotalColumns
' Me("Col" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
' Next intX
'CAF 1/31/2005 Need to hide the DBox controls.
For intX = intColumnCount + 1 To 11
Me("DBox" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
Next intX
' Move to next record in recordset.
End If
End If
End Sub
'Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Dim intX As Integer
'Dim lngRowTotal As Long
' If PrintCount is 1, initialize rowTotal variable.
' Add to column totals.
'If Me.PrintCount = 1 Then
'lngRowTotal = 0
'For intX = 2 To intColumnCount
' Starting at column 2 (first text box with crosstab value),
' compute total for current row in the "Detail" section.
'lngRowTotal = lngRowTotal + Me("Col" + Format(intX))
' Add crosstab value to total for current column.
'lngRgColumnTotal(intX) = lngRgColumnTotal(intX) + Me("Col" +
'Next intX
' Put row total in text box in the "Detail" section.
'Me("Col" + Format(intColumnCount + 1)) = lngRowTotal
' Add row total for current row to grand total. (DO NOT NEED GRAND
' lngReportTotal = lngReportTotal + lngRowTotal
'End If
'End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
' Always back up to previous record when "Detail" section retreats.
End Sub
Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Dim intX As Integer
' Put column headings into text boxes in page header.
For intX = 1 To intColumnCount
Me("Head" + Format(intX)) = rstReport(intX - 1).Name
Next intX
' Make next available text box Totals heading. (DO NOT NEED TOTALS COLUMN)
' Me("Head" + Format(intColumnCount + 1)) = "Totals"
' Hide unused text boxes in page header.
'For intX = (intColumnCount + 2) To conTotalColumns
' Me("Head" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
'Next intX
'CAF 1/31/2005 Need to hide the HBox controls.
For intX = intColumnCount + 1 To 11
Me("HBox" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
Next intX
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Close()
On Error Resume Next
' Close recordset.
End Sub
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox "No records match the criteria you entered.", vbExclamation, "No
Records Found"
Cancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Create underlying recordset for report using criteria entered in
' frm_STD_RPT form.
Dim intX As Integer
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim frm As Form
' Set database variable to current database.
Set dbsReport = CurrentDb
Set frm = Forms!frm_keymeasrpt
' Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("qry_standard")
' Set parameters for query based on values entered
' in frm_keymeasrpt.
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd1") _
= frm!TestProd1
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd2") _
= frm!TestProd2
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd3") _
= frm!TestProd3
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd4") _
= frm!TestProd4
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd5") _
= frm!TestProd5
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd6") _
= frm!TestProd6
' Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
' Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count
End Sub
'Private Sub ReportFooter_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Dim intX As Integer
' Put column totals in text boxes in report footer.
' Start at column 2 (first text box with crosstab value).
'For intX = 2 To intColumnCount
'Me("Tot" + Format(intX)) = lngRgColumnTotal(intX)
'Next intX
' Put grand total in text box in report footer.
'Me("Tot" + Format(intColumnCount + 1)) = lngReportTotal
' Hide unused text boxes in report footer.
'For intX = intColumnCount + 2 To conTotalColumns
' Me("Tot" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
' Next intX
'End Sub
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' Move to first record in recordset at the beginning of the report
' or when the report is restarted. (A report is restarted when
' you print a report from Print Preview window, or when you return
' to a previous page while previewing.)
'Initialize variables.
End Sub
'Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'Dim lns As Lines
'Dim lngHeight As Long
'Dim ctl As Control
'Set lns = New Lines
'Set lns.Parent = Me
'lns.Add 0
'For Each ctl In Me.Detail.Controls
'If ctl.Height > lngHeight Then lngHeight = ctl.Height
'If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then lns.Add (ctl.Left + ctl.Width)
'lns.Lengths = lngHeight
'Set lns = Nothing
'End Sub
can help.
I have a form where the user would enter the parameters for a crosstab
query. The crosstab query works fine, and when I open the form and enter
parameters and then open the query, the query still works.
However, when I open the report, I get the following error:
Microsoft jet database engine does not recognize " as a valid fieldname or
So I am guessing that there is an issue in the VB module? The odd thing is
that this module worked in another version of my db, but unfortunately, I had
to re-do the db to change some tables and ended up copying and pasting the
module into my new db. Now the report doesn't work.
Could someone point me in the right direction as to where the problem might
lie? I feel like I've looked everywhere!!!
Here is my VB module:
Option Compare Database
' Constant for maximum number of columns qry_standard query would
' create - Currently 6 products.
Const conTotalColumns = 10
' Variables for Database object and Recordset.
Dim dbsReport As DAO.Database
Dim rstReport As DAO.Recordset
' Variables for number of columns and row and report totals.
Dim intColumnCount As Integer
Dim lngRgColumnTotal(1 To conTotalColumns) As Long
Dim lngReportTotal As Long
Private Sub InitVars()
Dim intX As Integer
' Initialize lngReportTotal variable.
lngReportTotal = 0
' Initialize array that stores column totals.
For intX = 1 To conTotalColumns
lngRgColumnTotal(intX) = 0
Next intX
End Sub
Private Function xtabCnulls(varX As Variant)
' Test if a value is null.
If IsNull(varX) Then
' If varX is null, set varX to 0.
xtabCnulls = 0
' Otherwise, return varX.
xtabCnulls = varX
End If
End Function
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' Put values in text boxes and hide unused text boxes.
Dim intX As Integer
' Verify that you are not at end of recordset.
If Not rstReport.EOF Then
' If FormatCount is 1, put values from recordset into text boxes
' in "Detail" section.
If Me.FormatCount = 1 Then
For intX = 1 To intColumnCount
' Convert Null values to 0.
Me("Col" + Format(intX)) = xtabCnulls(rstReport(intX - 1))
Next intX
' Hide unused text boxes in the "Detail" section.
' For intX = intColumnCount + 2 To conTotalColumns
' Me("Col" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
' Next intX
'CAF 1/31/2005 Need to hide the DBox controls.
For intX = intColumnCount + 1 To 11
Me("DBox" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
Next intX
' Move to next record in recordset.
End If
End If
End Sub
'Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Dim intX As Integer
'Dim lngRowTotal As Long
' If PrintCount is 1, initialize rowTotal variable.
' Add to column totals.
'If Me.PrintCount = 1 Then
'lngRowTotal = 0
'For intX = 2 To intColumnCount
' Starting at column 2 (first text box with crosstab value),
' compute total for current row in the "Detail" section.
'lngRowTotal = lngRowTotal + Me("Col" + Format(intX))
' Add crosstab value to total for current column.
'lngRgColumnTotal(intX) = lngRgColumnTotal(intX) + Me("Col" +
'Next intX
' Put row total in text box in the "Detail" section.
'Me("Col" + Format(intColumnCount + 1)) = lngRowTotal
' Add row total for current row to grand total. (DO NOT NEED GRAND
' lngReportTotal = lngReportTotal + lngRowTotal
'End If
'End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
' Always back up to previous record when "Detail" section retreats.
End Sub
Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Dim intX As Integer
' Put column headings into text boxes in page header.
For intX = 1 To intColumnCount
Me("Head" + Format(intX)) = rstReport(intX - 1).Name
Next intX
' Make next available text box Totals heading. (DO NOT NEED TOTALS COLUMN)
' Me("Head" + Format(intColumnCount + 1)) = "Totals"
' Hide unused text boxes in page header.
'For intX = (intColumnCount + 2) To conTotalColumns
' Me("Head" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
'Next intX
'CAF 1/31/2005 Need to hide the HBox controls.
For intX = intColumnCount + 1 To 11
Me("HBox" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
Next intX
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Close()
On Error Resume Next
' Close recordset.
End Sub
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox "No records match the criteria you entered.", vbExclamation, "No
Records Found"
Cancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Create underlying recordset for report using criteria entered in
' frm_STD_RPT form.
Dim intX As Integer
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim frm As Form
' Set database variable to current database.
Set dbsReport = CurrentDb
Set frm = Forms!frm_keymeasrpt
' Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("qry_standard")
' Set parameters for query based on values entered
' in frm_keymeasrpt.
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd1") _
= frm!TestProd1
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd2") _
= frm!TestProd2
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd3") _
= frm!TestProd3
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd4") _
= frm!TestProd4
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd5") _
= frm!TestProd5
qdf.Parameters("Forms!frm_keymeasrpt!TestProd6") _
= frm!TestProd6
' Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
' Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count
End Sub
'Private Sub ReportFooter_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Dim intX As Integer
' Put column totals in text boxes in report footer.
' Start at column 2 (first text box with crosstab value).
'For intX = 2 To intColumnCount
'Me("Tot" + Format(intX)) = lngRgColumnTotal(intX)
'Next intX
' Put grand total in text box in report footer.
'Me("Tot" + Format(intColumnCount + 1)) = lngReportTotal
' Hide unused text boxes in report footer.
'For intX = intColumnCount + 2 To conTotalColumns
' Me("Tot" + Format(intX)).Visible = False
' Next intX
'End Sub
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' Move to first record in recordset at the beginning of the report
' or when the report is restarted. (A report is restarted when
' you print a report from Print Preview window, or when you return
' to a previous page while previewing.)
'Initialize variables.
End Sub
'Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'Dim lns As Lines
'Dim lngHeight As Long
'Dim ctl As Control
'Set lns = New Lines
'Set lns.Parent = Me
'lns.Add 0
'For Each ctl In Me.Detail.Controls
'If ctl.Height > lngHeight Then lngHeight = ctl.Height
'If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then lns.Add (ctl.Left + ctl.Width)
'lns.Lengths = lngHeight
'Set lns = Nothing
'End Sub