Basically Cyclic redundancy checking is a method of verifying
that there's no errors in files that have been downloaded, or
that are being installed from media devices such as installing a
game. In other words, the file is corrupt and has to be down-
loaded again, or the CD media is dirty, scratched or defective.
Sometimes antivirus software may cause those errors as well.
Hence your situation may be indicating a problem with the CD Drive
or the CD ROM media. Clean both using a Cleaning Kit, check for
scratches on the CD, and try installing the game on another computer.
If the game installs, your most likely culprit is your CD ROM drive,
otherwise it's the media in which case you need to contact the vendor.
For MS Products call the Replacement Center Mon - Fri 8am -10pm ET
in the US at: 1-(800)-360-7561, or in Canada at 1-(800) 933-4750.
Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.
Game FAQs:
Visit my Zone.com / Gaming Helpsite:
http://nibblesnbits.tk or Call / Contact
MS Support at:
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
| When attempting to install a CD game on my XP I get the
| following error message: Error: Data error (cyclic
| redundancy check). I have no idea what this is or what
| to do, the game loads 97% then locks up with this message.