Error message


Diane Lancaster

I keep getting the following message constantly when
trying to access the internet or any other programs,
except my e-mail. Can someone please help me ?
The error message is: "This module was compiled with a
trial version of Delphi. The trial period has expired".
Have never installed a trial version of Delphi or any
other program that I'm aware of,
Thank you so much.

Ronnie Vernon MVP

Diane said:
I keep getting the following message constantly when
trying to access the internet or any other programs,
except my e-mail. Can someone please help me ?
The error message is: "This module was compiled with a
trial version of Delphi. The trial period has expired".
Have never installed a trial version of Delphi or any
other program that I'm aware of,
Thank you so much.


See this website for information on this error message.

This module was compiled with a trial version of Delphi. The trial period
has expired.:,1410,31856,00.html

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP-Windows Shell/User

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