Error message within IE


Julie MacDonald

I am having error message within in my internet
explorer.It is version 6.0 and I am using win xp pro.The
error message says that a problem as occured and needs to
be closed down sorry for the inconvience.As well as I am
having IE script errors as well.Help


Hi Julie,

That's just a generic Windows error message.
If we are to know *why* you're getting these error messages, we'll need to know a little more than

When you next get the error, please click "details of what this error report contains", and tell
us what the AppName and the ModName are you see listed there.
Then we'll have something to work with.

Also, very often Internet Explorer errors and problems don't have much to do with IE itself, but
rather with third party internet related software, spy/foistware, or even virus or trojan
infections, so it's a good idea to first try and get those out of the way, or at least rule them

A good start would therefore be to scan for spyware:

Download Spybot - Search & Destroy:

After installing, press Online, and search for, put a check mark at, and install all updates.

Now close all browser windows, hit 'Check for Problems', and have SpyBot remove all it finds.
When you've done all that, test your system, and see whether your problem is gone.

If it isn't, please repost to this thread.

Cheers, Tony

NOTE: Please reply to the group, and not to me personally.
E-mail address is void.


I get the same error messages Julie reported. I installed
and ran the spybot program you recommended and continue
to get the script error on a regular basis. The message
in the error alert box always gives the line , char and
the following error:"Object doesn't support this property
or method", a code of 0 and the url. It doesn't matter if
I select to continue or not to continue running scripts
on the page. I am running WinXP home version. It's not an
error on the page as I'm able to access the scripts on
another computer in my house that's running Win2k. Any
help would be appreciated as this is realllly annoying.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Julie,

That's just a generic Windows error message.
If we are to know *why* you're getting these error
messages, we'll need to know a little more than

When you next get the error, please click "details of
what this error report contains", and tell
us what the AppName and the ModName are you see listed there.
Then we'll have something to work with.

Also, very often Internet Explorer errors and problems
don't have much to do with IE itself, but
rather with third party internet related software,
spy/foistware, or even virus or trojan
infections, so it's a good idea to first try and get
those out of the way, or at least rule them

A good start would therefore be to scan for spyware:

Download Spybot - Search & Destroy:

After installing, press Online, and search for, put a
check mark at, and install all updates.
Now close all browser windows, hit 'Check for
Problems', and have SpyBot remove all it finds.

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