Error message when opening one particular presentation


Vincent Pozon

Dear MVPs:

I have been working on an important presentation for some time now, and was
surprised when, all of a sudden, it balks starting up, and an error message

"Some controls on this presentation can't be activated. They might not
be registered on this computer."

It is a presentation I started from scratch, so it did not come from
elsewhere, from another author. It isn't too large, if that matters at all.

Thanks again,

Vincent Pozon


Have you used an ActiveX control in your presentation? I think that might
be what it is complaining about.
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
(Free Templates, Tutorials, PowerLink, PowerLink Plus,
and Autorun CD Project Creator Pro)
PowerPoint Live! - Featured Speaker
Tucson, AZ; October 12-15, 2003

Vincent Pozon

Oh dear, that's a bit over my head, Sonia.

The presentation is basically raw, in draft form and I have not been
formatting it yet. I have not been using anything extraordinary, well,
except for using Swiff Chart Pro for the charts. Would that do it?

And how do I correct it?

Thanks for the swift reply. :)



That's the problem. Their FAQ page says:

Question: When I start my PowerPoint presentation, I get the error message:
Controls in this presentation can't be activated. They might not be
registered on this computer"?

Answer: Microsoft PowerPoint displays this error message when you try to
start a
Presentation requiring Swiff Point Player and Swiff Point Player is not
installed on the computer. Check that Swiff Point Player is correctly
installed on the computer.

If you need further information contact the Swiff Chart folks.

Vincent Pozon

Oh, but I do have Swiff installed, paid for and registered.
Oh well, thanks a lot, Sonia.
At least I have the culprit isolated and identified.

Thanks again,



Note that they say "Swiff Point Player". Maybe you have to specifically
install it. Contact them.

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