error message - varies by program

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Yesterday I wanted to open a file in Word and used the "open file" icon

in to access it. When I double-clicked the folder the file was in I
expected the folder to open so I could select my file. Instead, Windows

interpreted my first click as "select folder" and my second click as
"move folder". My folder was inadvertently moved into another folder.

Once my folder was errantly moved into a new folder, all contents of
the folder were inaccessible. I went into Safe Mode and moved the
folder back to it's original place. I am now able to see the contents
of the folder, but none of the files are able to be opened. I went into

Safe Mode again to ensure that my profile was allow to access these

Here is a sampling of the messages I have received:

(Acrobat): There was an error opening this document. Access denied.

(Excel): The document may be read-only or encrypted.

(Word): User does not have access privileges.

I am unable to access these files that I created under my ID. If I
login under the Adminstrator ID, they are still not accessible. I do
not fully understand why this has happened, but I do know when it
occurred. I have tried restoring my system to a recent checkpoint, but
that didn't help.

I would greatly appreciate any help on this. I'm sure there is a
solution, I just am not technical enough to figure it out on my own.


- Cindy


Have you tried opening folder > tools > folder options> view tab (scroll
down to use simple file sharing and deselect). Click ok. now right click on
folder and select security tab. is you name listed under group or user
names? if not click on add. advanced> find now, scroll down to your user
name and add it. Make sure you have full control box selected before you
exit out ot properties windows.

I had already followed similar steps to your suggestion while in Safe
Mode. I will try your exact steps and let you know if there is any
success. Thanks for your response. :)

I haven't tried this yet, but will very soon. I will try your TDL's
suggestion first, and then if there is no success will try yours. What
you've suggested sounds very likely, but seems odd to me that it woudl
only affect this one particular folder. I am able to open Outlook,
access other files on the computer (on varying drives), surf the web,
etc. At this point I'm willing to try just about anything to recover
the files, as ALL my files I've created over nearly the last five years
are in this one folder. And no, unfortunatley, I do not have a back-up
plan. We will get one as soon as this issue is resolved - guaranteed!
Thanks for your response. :)


Thank you so much for your support. Unfortunately, none of it has
proved successful. A few new bits of information:

I am using XP Professional / Office Professional 2003.

I did create a new profile, but none of the profiles on our machine
(admin, husband, mine, new one for me) are able to access these files.

The folder in question is on a secondary hardrive (F), not the primary
harddrive (C). I have used Safe Mode to make sure all users have full
control of F, it's folders and sub-folders and all files.

When I tried copying from F to C I received the following message:

Cannot copy ________: Access is denied.
Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that hte file is
not currently in use.

C has 55.7GB used, 37.4GB free
F has 50.2GB used, 182GB free

When I tried to take ownership, the checkboxes in the list are disabled
and I haven't been able to find any way to enable them.

It seems like there has to be a way to fix this, but I am out of ideas.
I have over 27,000 files in that folder, many of which I have no other
way to re-create. Once this is all settled we'll be purchasing a
back-up system to prevent this type of issue in the future.

Hope you have some new advice and that it works!! :)

- Cindy

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