Error message upon submit

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I receive this error message whenever someone fills out our form

Could someone help me please

While processing the form you just filled out, we came across a


The site which refered you to this script is not allowed access to
A possible solution is lowering the privacy levels on your firewall,
or stopping it, while you fill in this form.
Please contact the webmaster of the site.
What's the URL to the form so we can take a look?

David Berry
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

- Show quoted text -
when filling out the form please use test in all fields so that we
know it's a test

Thank you so much for your help.
I didn't get an error message when I submitted the form however when I
looked at the code I see that you're not using the FrontPage forms handler.
You're submitting the form to an ASP page (ASPFormMail) so the error could
be something to do with the way you have your ASP script set up. You would
need to post all of the ASP code from that page into a reply so we can see
where the problem might be.
I didn't get an error message when I submitted the form however when I
looked at the code I see that you're not using the FrontPage forms handler.
You're submitting the form to an ASP page (ASPFormMail) so the error could
be something to do with the way you have your ASP script set up. You would
need to post all of the ASP code from that page into a reply so we can see
where the problem might be.

David Berry
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

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I am nor sure what you mean
"You would need to post all of the ASP code from that page into a
reply so we can see
where the problem might be."
I didn't get an error message when I submitted the form however when I
looked at the code I see that you're not using the FrontPage forms handler.
You're submitting the form to an ASP page (ASPFormMail) so the error could
be something to do with the way you have your ASP script set up. You would
need to post all of the ASP code from that page into a reply so we can see
where the problem might be.

David Berry
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

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'****** aspFormMail V2.31 ******
'****** ******

Dim strMailServer, arrAllowedSites, strEmailComponent,
strDefaultFromAddress, strDefaultToAddress
Dim strMissing, arrRequired, strRequired, intMissing, strMessage,
strTitle, strReferer
Dim blnBadReferer, strNeedEmail, blnValidated, strFromEmail,
strToEmail, strRedirectTo
Dim blnPrintBlank, arrConfig, strConfig, strBody, strHowSort,
arrUnsorted, arrSorted, strElement
Dim intDelimiter, strItem, strValue, strResult, intStart, objMail,
blnDefaultToEmail, strSubject
Dim blnUseDefault
Dim strServerName ' IIS Server Name
Dim strIP ' IP address of visitor to web page

strIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

strServerName = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
strServerName = lcase(trim(strServerName))
if mid(strServerName,1,4) = "www." then
'response.write "Triming " & strServerName
strServerName= mid(strServerName,5,65)
end if

'****** User Configuration *****
'The mail server for your site
strMailServer = ""

'A list of allowed referers (sites that can use this script)
arrAllowedSites = Array("")

'The email component to use
strEmailComponent = "JMAIL"

'The default 'from' address to use if the user does not enter one
strDefaultFromAddress = "(e-mail address removed)"

'The default 'to' address - this can be overridden on any referring
strDefaultToAddress = "(e-mail address removed)"

if Request("EmailSubject")= "" then
strSubject= "Web Form Contact Us"
end if

'If there is no referrer, send to default email address?
blnDefaultToEmail = False

'***** End Of User Configuration *****

'Check that all the required fields have been filled in
If Request("Required") <> "" Then

'The start of the string to print if some are missing
strMissing = "The following fields need to be filled out:<ul

'Loop through each required field and check it has been filled in
arrRequired = Split(Trim(Request("Required")), ",")
For Each strRequired In arrRequired
If Trim(Request(strRequired)) = "" Then
Select Case UCase(strRequired)
strRequired = "Your email address"
End Select
strMissing = strMissing & "<li>" & strRequired & "<br>"
intMissing = 1
End If

strMissing = strMissing & "</ul>"

'Display the error message if neccessary
If intMissing = 1 Then
ReportError strMissing, "Required fields not filled out"
End If

End If

'Check the referer is a valid site
strReferer = UCase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
blnBadReferer = True

'Some firewalls (Norton's Personal Firewall, for instance) strip out
the referrer
If strReferer = "" Then
If blnDefaultToEmail Then
'If the option is turned on, then use the default address
blnBadReferer = False
blnUseDefault = True
End If
End If
For Index = 0 To UBound(arrAllowedSites)
If UCase(Left(strReferer, Len(arrAllowedSites(Index)))) =
UCase(arrAllowedSites(Index)) Then
blnBadReferer = False
End If

'If the referer is invalid, notify the user
If blnBadReferer Then
strMessage = "The site which refered you to this script is not
allowed access to this script." & strServerName
strMessage = strMessage & "<br>A possible solution is lowering the
privacy levels on your "
strMessage = strMessage & "firewall, or stopping it, while you fill
in this form."
strMessage = strMessage & "<br>Please contact the webmaster of the
ReportError strMessage, "Bad Referer"
End If

'If a valid email address is needed
strNeedEmail = Request("NeedEmail")
if strNeedEmail = "" Then strNeedEmail = "No"

'If a valid address is needed, check the given address
'Otherwise, just replace it with the default if the length is zero
Select Case UCase(strNeedEmail)
Case "YES"

'If no email address was supplied
If Len(Request("FromEmail")) = 0 Then
strMessage = "You must supply an email address.<br><br>Please
use the Back button on your browser to return and correct this."
ReportError strMessage, "Invalid Email Address"
End If

'Check if the address is valid; the function will give the error
page if it is invalid
'i.e. if it returns to here, it is valid
strFromEmail = Request("FromEmail")

Case "NO"

If Len(Request("FromEmail")) = 0 Then
strFromEmail = strDefaultFromAddress
strFromEmail = Request("FromEmail")
End If

End Select

'Check that there is somewhere for the email to go
strToEmail = Request("ToEmail")
If Len(strToEmail) = 0 Then strToEmail = strDefaultToAddress
If blnUseDefault Then strToEmail = strDefaultToAddress
If Len(strToEmail) = 0 Then
strMessage = "The email address to send this information to is
missing.<br>Please inform the administrator of this website."
ReportError strMessage, "No email address"
End If

'Make sure there is a redirection URL
strRedirectTo = Request("RedirectURL")
If Len(strRedirectTo) = 0 Then
strRedirectTo= "/"
'strMessage = "A redirection URL was not supplied.<br>Please inform
the webmaster of this site."
'ReportError strMessage, "Need Redirection URL"
End If

'Send the form

Sub SendForm()
'Description: Uhhhhh... it, well, processes and sends the data

'Whether or not to send blank fields
Select Case Left(UCase(Request("Print_Blank")), 1)
Case "Y"
blnPrintBlank = True
Case Else
blnPrintBlank = False
End Select

'If wanted, adds the config variables to the message
If Request("Print_Config") <> "" Then
arrConfig = Split(Request("Print_Config"), ",")
For Each strConfig In arrConfig
strBody = strBody & Trim(strConfig) & ": " &
Trim(Request(strConfig)) & vbCrLf
End If

'Perform the sorting however the user specified
strHowSort = Request("Sort")
If Len(strHowSort) = 0 Then strHowSort = "Formorder"

If UCase(strHowSort) = "ALPHABETICAL" Then
'Sort alphabetically

'Get the raw data and size the array for the final data
arrUnsorted = Split(Request.Form, "&")
ReDim arrSorted(UBound(arrUnsorted))

'Gets the field names - i.e. without the submitted data - and
places them in the second array
For I = 0 To UBound(arrUnsorted)
strElement = arrUnsorted(I)
intDelimiter = InStr(strElement, "=")
If intDelimiter = 0 Then intDelimiter = Len(strElement)
arrSorted(I) = Left(strElement, intDelimiter - 1)

'Sorts the fieldnames alphabetically
QuickSort arrSorted, 0, UBound(arrSorted)

'Then adds the field names and their respective entries, except
for config entries, to the
'body of the message
For I = 0 To UBound(arrSorted)
strItem = UCase(arrSorted(I))
strValue = Request(strItem)

If ((Len(strValue) <> 0 Or blnPrintBlank) And strItem <>
And strItem <> "TOEMAIL" And strItem <> "FROMNAME" And strItem
<> "TONAME" _
And strItem <> "PRINT_CONFIG" And strItem <> "REDIRECTURL" And
strItem <> "PRINT_BLANK" _
And strItem <> "ENV_REPORT" And strItem <> "EMAILSUBJECT" And
strItem <> "SORT" _
And strItem <> "REQUIRED" And strItem <> "NEEDEMAIL" And
strItem <> "SUBMIT") Then
strBody = strBody & strItem & ": " & Canonize(strValue) &
End If

ElseIf UCase(strHowSort) <> "ALPHABETICAL" And UCase(strHowSort) <>
'Sort in the order the user wanted
arrSorted = Split(Request("Sort"), ",")
For Each strData In arrSorted
strBody = strBody & UCase(Trim(strData)) & ": " &
Trim(Request(strData)) & vbCrLf

'Print them in the default order
'Unfortunately, ASP does not include an easy way to tell the order
in which they were
'submitted, so we have to use the raw data to find out.

arrUnsorted = Split(Request.Form, "&")
For I = 0 To UBound(arrUnsorted)
strElement = arrUnsorted(I)
intDelimiter = InStr(strElement, "=")
strItem = UCase(Left(strElement, intDelimiter - 1))
strValue = Mid(strElement, intDelimiter + 1)

If ((Len(strValue) <> 0 Or blnPrintBlank) And strItem <>
And strItem <> "TOEMAIL" And strItem <> "FROMNAME" And strItem
<> "TONAME" _
And strItem <> "PRINT_CONFIG" And strItem <> "REDIRECTURL" And
strItem <> "PRINT_BLANK" _
And strItem <> "ENV_REPORT" And strItem <> "EMAILSUBJECT" And
strItem <> "SORT" _
And strItem <> "REQUIRED" And strItem <> "NEEDEMAIL" And
strItem <> "SUBMIT") Then
strBody = strBody & strItem & ": " & Canonize(strValue) &
End If

End If

'If the user wanted the server variables printed, do so now
If Left(UCase(Trim(Request("Env_Report"))), 1) <> "N" Then
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & "-- Enviroment Variables" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Remote Address: " &
Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Remote Host: " &
Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Referring URL: " &
Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "User Name: " &
Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Browser Type: " &
Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & vbCrLf
End If

'*** Anonymous To-Email Configuration ***
If UCase(strToEmail) = "USER1" Then
strToEmail = "(e-mail address removed)"
ElseIf UCase(strToEmail) = "USER2" Then
strToEmail = "(e-mail address removed)"
End If
'*** End Of Anonymous To-Email Configuration ***

'Configure the email component and then send the message
Select Case UCase(strEmailComponent)

Case "JMAIL"
'We are using the JMail component, available at

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")

objMail.ServerAddress = ""
objMail.Priority = 3
objMail.Sender = strFromEmail
objMail.SenderName = Request("FromName")
objMail.AddRecipient strToEmail
objMail.Subject = Request("EmailSubject")
objMail.Body = strBody

Case "JMAIL4"
'We are using the JMail component, available at

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")

objMail.Charset = "UTF-8"
objMail.Logging = False
objMail.Silent = True
objMail.From = strFromEmail
objMail.FromName = Request("FromName")
objMail.Subject = Request("EmailSubject")
objMail.Body = strBody
objMail.AddRecipient sToEmail, request("ToName")


'Using the ASPEmail component, available at

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")

objMail.Host = strMailServer
objMail.From = strFromEmail
objMail.FromName = Request("FromName")
objMail.AddAddress strToEmail, request("ToName")
objMail.Subject = Request("EmailSubject")
objMail.Body = strBody


'Send using the CDONTS component

objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.From = strFromEmail
objMail.To = strToEmail
objMail.Subject = Request("EmailSubject")
objMail.Body = strBody


Set objMail = Nothing

'Use the CDOSYS component

Const cdoIIS = 1

'Create CDO message object

Set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objMail
'Load IIS configuration
.Configuration.Load cdoIIS

'Set email adress, subject And body
.To = strToEmail
.From = strFromEmail
.Subject = strSubject
.TextBody = strBody

'Send the message

End With

Set objMail = Nothing

End Select

'Response.Redirect strRedirectTo

End Sub

Sub ReportError(strMessage, strTitle)
'Description: Reports any errors in the form back to the user


<!--#include file="" -->


<!--#include file="" -->

End Sub

Function CheckEmail(strEmailToCheck)
'Description: Tries to guess if an e-mail address is valid.

blnValidated = True

If InStr(strEmailToCheck, "@") = 1 Then '(the '@' is in the first
blnValidated = False
strWhatsWrong = "The '@' in the address you specified is in the
first position.<br><br>Please use the Back button of your browser to
return and correct this."
End If

If blnValidated Then
If InStr(strEmailToCheck, "@") = Len(strEmailToCheck) then '(The
'@' is in the last position)
blnValidated = False
strWhatsWrong = "The '@' in the address you specified is in the
last position.<br><br>Please use the Back button of your browser to
return and correct this."
End If
End If

If blnValidated Then
J = 0
For I = 1 To Len(strEmailToCheck)
If Mid(strEmailToCheck, I, 1) = "@" Then 'there is a '@' in the
address at this position
J = J + 1
K = I
End If

Select Case J
Case 0
blnValidated = False
strWhatsWrong = "There is no '@' in the address you
specified.<br><br>Please use the Back button of your browser to return
and correct this."
Case 1
'Need to have this otherwise the Case Else includes J = 1
strWhatsWrong = strWhatsWrong
Case Else
blnValidated = False
strWhatsWrong = "There are too many '@' symbols in the address
you supplied.<br><br>Please use your browser's back button to correct
End Select
End If

If blnValidated Then
J = 0
For I = 1 To Len(strEmailToCheck) 'K is the position of the
'@' (from above check)
If Mid(strEmailToCheck, I, 1) = "." Then 'there is a period
after the '@'
J = 1
End If

If J = 0 Then
blnValidated = False
strWhatsWrong = "There is no period after the '@' in the address
you specified.<br><br>Please use the Back button of your browser to
return and correct this."
End If
End If

If blnValidated Then
For I = K To Len(strEmailToCheck)
If Mid(strEmailToCheck, I, 1) = "." Then 'there is a period at
this spot
J = I
End If

L = Len(strEmailToCheck) - 2
If J > L Then 'the last period is less than two places before
the end of the address
blnValidated = False
strWhatsWrong = "The extension after the last period in the
email address you specified is less than 2 letters long.<br><br>Please
use the Back button of your browser to return and correct this."
End If
End If

If blnValidated Then
K = K + 1
If Mid(strEmailToCheck, K, 1) = "." Then 'there is a period
immediately after the '@'
blnValidated = false
strWhatsWrong = "The first character after the '@' in the email
address you specified is a period.<br><br>Please use the Back button
on your browser to return and correct this."
End If
End If

If Not blnValidated Then ReportError strWhatsWrong, "Invalid Email

End Function

Function QuickSort(vArray, LowBound, HighBound)
'Description: Sorts the given array into alphabetical order

Dim lTmpLow, lTmpHi, iMiddlePos, vTempVal, vTmpHold

lTmpLow = cInt(LowBound)
lTmpHi = cInt(HighBound)
if HighBound <=LowBound or not IsArray(vArray) then Exit Function

iMiddlePos = (LowBound + HighBound) \ 2

vTempVal = vArray(iMiddlePos)

Do While (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi)

Do While (vArray(lTmpLow) < vTempVal And lTmpLow < HighBound)
lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1

Do While (vTempVal < vArray(lTmpHi) And lTmpHi >LowBound)
lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1

If (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi) Then
vTmpHold = vArray(lTmpLow)
vArray(lTmpLow) = vArray(lTmpHi)
vArray(lTmpHi) = vTmpHold
lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1
lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1
End If


If (LowBound < lTmpHi) Then QuickSort vArray, LowBound, lTmpHi
If (lTmpLow < HighBound) Then QuickSort vArray, lTmpLow, HighBound

End Function

Function Canonize(strValue)
'Description: Strips URL strings from the given string

If Len(strValue) = 0 or isNull(strValue) Then Exit Function

strResult = Replace(strValue, "+", " ")

intStart = 1

Do While (InStr(intStart, strResult, "%"))
intPos = InStr(intStart, strResult, "%")
Char1 = Mid(strResult, intPos + 1, 1)
Char2 = Mid(strResult, intPos + 2, 1)

intValue = 16 * HexToDec(Char1)
intValue = intValue + HexToDec(Char2)

strResult = Replace(strResult, CSTR("%" & Char1 & Char2),

intStart = intPos + 1

Canonize = strResult

End Function

Function HexToDec(strChar)
'Description: Take a guess..

If isNumeric(strChar) Then
intResult = Int(strChar)
uChar = UCase(strChar)
Select Case uChar
Case "A"
intResult = 10
Case "B"
intResult = 11
Case "C"
intResult = 12
Case "D"
intResult = 13
Case "E"
intResult = 14
Case "F"
intResult = 15
End Select
End If

HexToDec = intResult

End Function

'Response page

<title>Submission successful!</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=<%=strRedirectTo%>">

Thank you for your submission.
If you are not redirected automatically, please click <a href="<

Ok. Seems like a lot of code just to process a form but if that's what you
want ......

The error message that you said you were getting is:

The site which refered you to this script is not allowed access to
A possible solution is lowering the privacy levels on your firewall,
or stopping it, while you fill in this form.
Please contact the webmaster of the site.

The "error" message is contained in the code (it's being generated by you,
not the server) so you can alter what it says to the user. The fact that
this is what they get might not be the real reason the form doesn't process.
The code that gives this error message is:

'If the referrer is invalid, notify the user
If blnBadReferer Then
strMessage = "The site which refered you to this script is not
allowed access to this script." & strServerName
strMessage = strMessage & "<br>A possible solution is lowering the
privacy levels on your "
strMessage = strMessage & "firewall, or stopping it, while you fill
in this form."
strMessage = strMessage & "<br>Please contact the webmaster of the
ReportError strMessage, "Bad Referer"
End If

A "referrer" means a link from another site or a site that isn't yours. in
your code you have:

'A list of allowed referrers (sites that can use this script)
arrAllowedSites = Array("")

If I follow all the ASP Code it appears that if the user didn't get to the
form from the URL above then the error message gets processed. So for
example, if there was a link to your form on and I
clicked it the "referrer" wouldn't match and I'd get the error.

I didn't read every line of the code but it's very restrictive. because you
have a specific URL in your array you might even get the error if a person
came from a sub web or folder in your site. For example, if I was at and clicked the link the "referrer"
wouldn't match either.

Unless you have a really good reason for doing this I would get rid of that
code. If you do want it then you need to re-write it to be a little less
restrictive. For example, you could have referring links pass a value in a
querystring and then if that value is present then allow the form to be
processed. Ex: