Error Message on Start-up


Steve Holt

After over a year of problem free operation, I now get an
error message on start-up: "Error loading
The specified module could not be found"

The computer seems to function normally, but it is an
annoyance having this dialogue box come up so often.

The computer is an Intel P4 machine running XP Home, no
local network, and connected to the internet via a cable

Any suggestions short of reloading XP?

Tyler Moeller [MS]

Here are a couple of things you might try out:

Repair the installation of the product that installed bridge.dll:

1. Locate the file "bridge.dll", right-click the file and select
2. Click the "Version" tab and determine what product bridge.dll was
installed with
3. If you are able to determine the product, uninstalling/reinstalling
to fix the issue.

Use the Windows System Configuration Utility to avoid bridge.dll from
loading at Windows Startup:

1. From the Start Menu, select "Run..."
2. Type "msconfig" and hit Enter
3. Click the "Startup" tab
4. In the "Command" column, attempt to locate the Startup Item that is
loading C:\Windows\System32\bridge.dll
5. Clear the check box for that Startup Item and click OK to apply your
changes and exit the System Configuration Utility
6. Reboot and log back into your computer.

If you require further assistance, please let us know.




Bridge.dll is an adware program that stealth-downloads and
runs on system startup. It acts as a search page hijacker
taking you to one of four possible servers. Try SpyBot or
AdAware (search Google) . . . Good Luck !

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