what would cause this error?
access security is weak in that you can easily do a cancel at the initial logon and get to the files.
i developed a logon screen, whereby i check for valid pwd. as part of the testing, i got to the screen, did not key a pwd, then did a close on the form.
when i close, i get this error message. i have tried suppressing parts of my code that i thought could be causing the issue but to no avail. i have suppressed the code in the close routine, other than docmd.quit. that does not help.
as soon as you click, the message pops up.
access security is weak in that you can easily do a cancel at the initial logon and get to the files.
i developed a logon screen, whereby i check for valid pwd. as part of the testing, i got to the screen, did not key a pwd, then did a close on the form.
when i close, i get this error message. i have tried suppressing parts of my code that i thought could be causing the issue but to no avail. i have suppressed the code in the close routine, other than docmd.quit. that does not help.
as soon as you click, the message pops up.