webduck said:
I repeatedly get an error message stating "error
downloading data from server" when I try to look at
census images in Ancestry. This began after I downloaded
the SP2. Ancestry said it is a problem with XP. No matter
what the problem is, I would like to see these images
since I pay money to use the site. I would appreciate any
help. Thanks!
Shenan said:
Does the problem go away if you uninstall SP2?
I haven't tried that as yet. Do you recommend it?
It's not that I recommend it, as the problem (this is a web page?) seems to
be something to do with HOW the web page is sending you data. I refuse to
go to Ancestry.com and pay even $9.95 just to test why/how/if SP2 would be
blocking the data.
There are added security measures, but if it is blocking the site, there is
a way to let it work.. Either adding the site to your "Trusted Sites" list
or unblocking all popups from that site or changing the security level in
your browser to test it or using an alternative browser (Mozilla FireFox..)
to access the page.
My first guess is that the data is generated and sent by the web site to
you.. Meaning you are not initialting the request and perhaps Windows XP's
firewall blocks this unrequested attempt to put data on your machine.
Solution - temporarily turn off the firewall, try it - if it works, ask them
HOW they send their data. Tell them your firewall is blocking it, you need
to get it past - tell them it is Zone Alarm so they cannot use the lame
excuse that SP2 causing the trouble - there are many more firewalls out
there than SP2s.
Second guess is that some ActiveX control or some other executable (some
java script? Java app?) needs to run on your side to communicate with the
site. If so, then XP may be blocking this without telling you (which would
be weird unless you are just a a normal user on your PC.) Try changing the
security level in your browser to Medium Low or Low - then try getting the
data. This means you are paying for use of an "application" as well as the
data - and I would wonder what that application is sending about you.
Last guess I have would be to see if SP2 is even the trouble. Uninstall
SP2, test the page. Does it work? If so, turn on SP1's ICF, test the page
again. Does it still work? If so, reinstall SP2, test it again. If SP2 is
blocking it, see my first comment about this - there is a setting that can
be changed to allow it, you just have to find this setting that allows this
site to do what it needs without taking away the security you gained.