I keep getting this message in the maintanence and peformance option on the
Vista Control Panel. I also get mircosoft error messages almost everytime I
shut down. - I have not loaded anything into (D
. The solution I get when
I try support and help options is to remove anything I loaded into this disc
and then that is all they suggest. It has only the software that was loaded
on (D
when I bought the processor, mouse etc.in Jan 2009. Don't know if
this matters but the processor is a HP Pavilion - Intel Core 2 Quad. The
software is Vista, Microsoft Works and Micro. Office. No games, videoas,
movies etc. They did have to replace my hard drive because it was
defective so I have this new one since June 2009. Can anyone help? I am
just your average retired person with 10 years experience using my own
machine - and trying to understand if this is a software problem or hardware
Thanks for any suggestions. Clarissa
Vista Control Panel. I also get mircosoft error messages almost everytime I
shut down. - I have not loaded anything into (D

I try support and help options is to remove anything I loaded into this disc
and then that is all they suggest. It has only the software that was loaded
on (D

this matters but the processor is a HP Pavilion - Intel Core 2 Quad. The
software is Vista, Microsoft Works and Micro. Office. No games, videoas,
movies etc. They did have to replace my hard drive because it was
defective so I have this new one since June 2009. Can anyone help? I am
just your average retired person with 10 years experience using my own
machine - and trying to understand if this is a software problem or hardware
Thanks for any suggestions. Clarissa