Error message - can't get onto XP...please help!

Mar 15, 2007
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Ok first of all i am a complete computer noob, so apologies if i dont articulate myself very well or use the correct terms.

I turned on my pc the other day **(2 month old dell, nothing dodgy on it or copied software as far as i know. I have the very basic support package with dell meaning i'd have to pack it up and send it off, which i'd rather not do)**, and it went to a blue screen saying the following -

""Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original set up CD-ROM."

I insterted a xp reinstalltion disc i got with my dell package. I'm not certain i have the correct disc, it says "Operating System" and below it 'already installed on your computer' and 'Dell' obviously.
Smaller and below it says 'reinstallation DVD. Microsoft WIndows XP media centre Version 2005 with Update rollup 2'.

I got a friend round who's pretty good with computers and he inserted the re-installation disc and tried to repair it..or something, not exactly sure what he did lol.

Anyway, it started coming up with a new, different blue screen, saying "SYSTEM-LICENSE-VIOLATION" at the top.

Does anyone have any idea what this means, or have any thoughts on what my next step should be? I have the very basic support package with dell meaning i'd have to pack it up and send it off, which i'd rather not do

Thanks so much in advance to any replies

Do you have any data on it you'd rather not lose? The easy option would be to restore your system to the way it was when you bought it, but you would lose all data on there - such as documents, photos, web favourites etc... If I remember correctly it is CRTL+F11 on bootup.

I'm not sure on how to tackle the SYSTEM-LICENSE-VIOLATION error by itself, although someone else here might.
Looks to me as though you may have a couple of problems, compounded by the fact that Dell (and a load of other system builders) did not give you a genuine copy of XP

It looks to me that your original install went belly-up, as it can do for a number of reasons ... you are on the right track in getting your system back up & running by re-installing.

However, it looks like you have a miss-match between the Windows installed & the Recovery CD supplied.

XP's validation process may also, on occasions, "get it wrong" and I'm sorry to say ... as Dell are your OEM (original engineered manufacturer) they are the ones you have to call, and not MS. :(

You could try someone else's XP CD ... you need to use the Licence key on your PC, there will be a sticker on the PC somewhere ... make sure you use XP media centre Version 2005 as that is the system installed on your PC

In any case, as this system is only a couple months old, you really should be talking to Dell.

Good luck!