Windows XP Error Message 0x80501001 & RegCure


May 5, 2007
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Hi there,

I know this topic has been listed here before - as I did a search on it and it led me to this site. However the thread does not seem to be still up for view.

I've been gaining an error (as listed above) when I choose to deny some software at times with my Windows Defender.
Is this simply due to my deleting the software before adjusting the 'Action Taken', or is there other reasons this could be occurring?

Have done some research on registry cleaners - and downloaded the latest RegCure freebie (only to find that after it listing 769 errors that I would need to purchase it to gain completion of the process - was hoping this company would be slightly different and give a proper free trial of it's product for 30 days or so, then require purchase etc).
Does anyone know of a decent registry cleaner that does have a 'working' free trial period?
Also, does anyone have any opinions on whether the programs are really necessary - are there other ways to circumnavigate the need for them in the first place?
Am running Win XP (SP2) - and although my HDD is just over half full, it's running as slow as a wet week.

Thanks for your assistance - any would be much appreciated!

Please post the entire error message ... ;)

MSD has found either an error in the registry (most of these are false) or, a suspect in an archive file such as a .ZIP file, but cannot clean inside that file.

Windows Defender is an anti-spyware program, not an anti-virus program ... be sure you are using a good AV program.

I suggest you download HijackThis and post a log here so we can have a look for any potential nasties.

Regcleaners ... yeah, well, if you 'need' to use one, then CrapCleaner[/url is a good non-destructive 'cleaner' that will prompt for a backup before cleaning the registry ... no recleaner will 'clean' the registry 100% of unneeded junk. The registry is thousands & thousands of lines long. :nod:

I have never seen a regcleaner "improve the performance" of a PC. ;)

The primary cause of PC slowdowns is all the junk you install and or the junk, nasties, not seen by you, installed. :thumb:

Defragmenting may be useful