error message 0x80010534

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I am having the following problem when trying to do Windows Defender to work.

"Application failed to initialize: 0x80010534. Não foi feito mapeamento
entre os nomes de conta e as identificações de segurança (free translation:
doesnt maked map between account names and security id...)

You, please, would know to tell me which the problem?

At once I thank,

My e-mail is (e-mail address removed)

1. Críe um grupo local novo nomeado "usuários." Para fazer isto, estale o
começo, funcionamento do clique, tipo usuários líquidos /add do localgroup, e
estale-o então ESTà BEM

.. 2. Adicione o grupo de usuários local da língua non-Inglesa ao grupo de
usuários novo que você criou em etapa
1. Para fazer isto, siga estas etapas: a. Estale o começo, direito-clique
meu computador, e estale-o então controlam.
b. Expanda usuários e grupos locais.
c. Estale Grupos.
d. o Direito-clique o grupo de usuários que você criou em etapa 1, e estala
então adiciona ao grupo.
e. O clique adiciona, datilografa o nome do objeto do grupo de usuários
local da língua non-Inglesa, e estala então ESTà BEM duas vezes.

3. Tente instalar outra vez o defender 2 beta de Windows.

Hello 2deep,

1. Create a new local group named "Users." To do this, click Start, click
Run, type net localgroup Users /add, and then click OK.
2. Add the non-English language local Users group to the new Users group
that you created in step 1. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage.
b. Expand Local Users and Groups.
c. Click Groups.
d. Right-click the Users group that you created in step 1, and then click
Add to Group.
e. Click Add, type the object name of the non-English language local Users
group, and then click OK two times.

3. Try to install Windows Defender Beta 2 again.

Hi Rafael,

See this post, look in plun anwser
Subject: Getting errormsg 1609 when upgrading from Mantispy to Windows Defe
2/18/2006 5:29 AM PST
By: Jorn

Hi Engel

I already solved the problem 1609... that is other error !



Sorry for jumping right into this thread, but I have the same problem with
Windows Defender installed in Swedish Windows 2000 SP4. "Application failed
to initialize: 0x80010534" And then in Swedish (I figure that the OS has put
in this part of the text, my translation): "There has not been made any
mapping between account names and security-ID."

Defender does not start at all after this message.

Can you guys who know this program tell if this "mapping" is something that
should be made in the OS and thus if I (we) might have made a previous
setting in the OS that prevents Defender to work?

In my opinion Beta1 was an excellent application and I look forward to run

Can you be specyfic about "e" steep?

e. type the object name of the non-English language local Users group
If you post in swedish, you might catch plun's attention--and he can give
you all the details, in several languages.

should be the relevant kb article.


I see that this article is revised yesterday, and refers to a new version of
the download being available--try a new download, please?

I can't tell yet whether there's a new version--nothing changed about
versioning in the web page for the download.

I am sorry, I shold have included that I made a new download today, so it
must be the latest version. And the kb/915087 seems not to be the same
problem as we in this thread is expiring. There's no Error 1069 and "User is
not a valid user or group" is not what the message says. It tells about
missing "mapping between account names and security-ID".
Sorry--my fault. My impression--from a couple of other exchanges, is that
your messages may be fixed by being certain to apply all critical patches.

In particular, the Windows Installer 3.1 may be the relevant patch.

Thanks Bill for quick reply.

But my computer is fully updated and patched, including
WindowsInstaller-KB893803, so there seems to be some other problem.

Is it by any chance possible to get Beta 1 back temporary again? I have a
good protection anyway, but I feel that the Defender adds highly to the
Last I looked, the files for beta1 were still available at

Be sure to get the .701 version--that's the last one.

I don't advise this, but I've installed on a Virtual PC from that source
yesterday, so I know the files are there.

and, I don't have solid information to help fix your issue with the current
build, it appears.

Thanx Bill,

I have installed Beta 1 and it looks fine. I raelly hope that you succeed in
solving our problem with Beta 2, can't wait to get it to work on my computer.
