Error log for Outlook 2003? Closes unexpectedly when minimized...


llama thumper


Was wondering if there is any kind of log that Outlook creates/can
create, so that I can track down the problem. I have checked the pst
file multiple times for problems by using the scanning utility, but to
no avail - Outlook simply closes on me when it is minimized in the
system bar... the file is a 1.2gb pst file and I dont know what is
wrong with it. Any pointers toward the log file, or as to what else to
check, would be appreciated!

thank you!

Roady [MVP]

All logs are written to the Event Viewer which is part of Windows.
As for your issue; Look in the Notifaction Area, sounds like you've got Hide
When Minimized enabled.

llama thumper

thanks for your reply. i have checked the event viewer as well (forgot
to mention that) but nothing is mentioned there. 'hide when minimized'
is of course enabled, the problem is that outlook closes when
minimized, after a certain time period - ie the process ends, outlook
stops running, and the icon disappears completely...

All logs are written to the Event Viewer which is part of Windows.
As for your issue; Look in the Notifaction Area, sounds like you've got Hide
When Minimized enabled.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

llama thumper said:

Was wondering if there is any kind of log that Outlook creates/can
create, so that I can track down the problem. I have checked the pst
file multiple times for problems by using the scanning utility, but to
no avail - Outlook simply closes on me when it is minimized in the
system bar... the file is a 1.2gb pst file and I dont know what is
wrong with it. Any pointers toward the log file, or as to what else to
check, would be appreciated!

thank you!

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