Deano said:
Every time I start my computer a message appears which says "Error loading
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ubejbowx.dll The specified module could not be found"
If this is important, how can I get the missing module back. If not
important, how can I stop this message appearing.
Have you run any antivirus or antispyware programs recently? If so, they may
have identified ubejbowx.dll as some type of malware and deleted the file.
Unfortunately, the scan did not delete the mechanism that was used to launch
that file at startup.
To see how that file was being launched, download and run this program from
AutoRuns for Windows v9.13
Look on the Everything page for an entry that includes ubejbowx.dll in the Image
Path column.
Remove the check mark from the box next to this entry.
Close Autoruns.
Restart your computer to make sure the error message is no longer displayed.
Just to be on the safe side, you might consider taking steps to make sure the
system is malware free. Here's a site with general instructions on cleaning a
Courtesy of Malke Routh, MS-MVP
Good luck