Hi Polo,
If cbdfuoev.dll has been removed from your machine by an anti-spyware app or
an AntiVirus app, there still may be a startup reference looking for
cbdfuoev.dll that got left behind.
First, do an Advanced Search to make sure that cbdfuoev.dll is gone.
See this...
HOW TO: Search For Hidden Or System Files In Windows XP
When you're sure that cbdfuoev.dll no longer exists on your machine, look in
these two locations for anything related to cbdfuoev.dll:
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...
%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...
%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Delete anything related to cbdfuoev.dll.
Then do a registry search for everything that refers to cbdfuoev.dll.
Open the Registry Editor...
Start | Run | Type: regedit | Click OK |
Hit your F3 key | Paste this in the box:
cbdfuoev.dll | Click the Find Next button |
Delete every reference to cbdfuoev.dll that you find
Keep hitting F3 until you see the Finished searching through the registry
If you're unsure of what to delete, you can copy and paste key names.
1. In the registry tree (on the left), right click a registry key.
2. Select Copy Key Name.
3. Paste the name of the registry key into another program or document.
You can then post back with that info and ask for advice if you want.
The most likely registry keys that cbdfuoev.dll will be in are:
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User