I had this issue and thought I'd see if anyone had a quick fix. When I
found a lot of people having this issue with no solution, I used my
knowledge of XP and the registry and made my own.
I posted this here in case someone else has this issue and stumbles
upon this and wants information in a concise format rather than having
to read a whole forum thread like that link pointed to in the other
post, and also wants to know how to get rid of this altogether rather
than just the superficial fix that other forum had, so here goes:
*Background*: This error occurs after trying to uninstall the updated
C-Media AC'97 onboard sound driver that appears after upgrading to XP
SP2 and/or going to WindowsUpdate. Likely the driver didn't work, so
you tried uninstalling the driver and were going to put back the old
Realtek AC'97 driver, but couldn't get rid of the updated driver.
*To fix:* Go ahead and do the deletion of cmaudio from the registry
that the other post had (Start, Run, type in "regedit", no quotes),
Click on the top computer icon in the Registry Editor to highlight it
(so that it will do a complete search of the registry and not just from
your present point forward), do a Find (Ctrl+F) and find and delete all
_KEYS_ related to *-cmaudio*- and *-C-Media*-, not just the string
entries, _except_ for that entry in the Run key I mentioned above, just
delete the cmaudio -string- for that one.
Download this remove utility from
and run the file you find in the zip file - it can be ran without
extracting it from the zip.
-- *NOTE:* This utility is for taking the name out of the Add/Remove
Programs section -_only_-, and does not remove it from your computer,
but it is very useful for issues like this when we are MANUALLY
uninstalling a program to take it out of the Programs list and should
work in 98/ME/2000/XP.
Delete these files from the C:\Windows\System32 directory (or "System"
directory for Win98)
Delete everything you can readily delete in C:\Temp,
C:\WINDOWS\prefetch (XP only), C:\WINDOWS\Temp, and C:\Documents and
Settings\%YourName%\Local Settings\Temp (2000 and XP only), so that
there will not be any files left for it to try to recover the driver
from. You will likely have to leave things that start with hsperfdata_
and Perflib_Perfdata_***.dat files if you find them, but should be able
to delete most others without changing attributes.
Now open the Device Manager (Right-click "My Computer", hit "Manage",
then find Device Manager in the Computer Management console).
Right-click the C-Media WDM driver under Sound, video, and game
controllers, hit Uninstall. Then right-click the top computer icon
listed there with your hostname beside it, hit "Scan for hardware
changes". It should install a generic "Multimedia Audio Controller"
instead of the "C-Media WDM Audio Driver", though you might see that
C-Media Audio for just an instant before it reverts back to a generic
driver (if it stays, you'll have to go back through the registry again,
delete the system files again, and do a full search of your hard drive
for those files so they don't get re-copied again). From here you can
'download your specific Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver'
http://www.soundcard-drivers.com/companies/891.htm) or use your
motherboard's installation CD to re-install and you should have sound
Good luck.
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