T TC Nov 20, 2003 #1 Yes, and Erl(). But Erl() is seldom documented, or used, as far as I know. HTH, TC
U ubu Nov 21, 2003 #2 Is it possible to use line numbers in Access code and retrieve the line number of a line of code that caused an error?
Is it possible to use line numbers in Access code and retrieve the line number of a line of code that caused an error?
U ubu Nov 21, 2003 #3 Thanks. -----Original Message----- Yes, and Erl(). But Erl() is seldom documented, or used, as far as I know. HTH, TC . Click to expand...
Thanks. -----Original Message----- Yes, and Erl(). But Erl() is seldom documented, or used, as far as I know. HTH, TC . Click to expand...