error installing SP4 on 2000 server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to install SP4 on windows 2000 server. It
acts if it installs but at the end of the install when it
is installing processes it just quits and then comes up
with the error "Service Pack 4 setup error" and then
gives you a option to cancel - which it says may make the
server have problems or continue - which rolls back the
SP4 to the previous Service pack.

Any Clues?

Here is the error, looks like the MSI installer??

DoInstallation:RunInfProcesses for ProcessesToRun Failed

Service Pack 4 Setup encountered an error: An error in
updating your system has occurred.

Failed Deleting C:\WINNT\system32\msiinst.tmp 2

VerifySize: Unable to verify size: Source = NULL:


An error in updating your system has occurred.

Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made, or
select 'Cancel' to quit. If you select 'Cancel', your
system will be left in a partially updated state and may
not work correctly.

Message displayed to the user: An error in updating your
system has occurred.

Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made, or
select 'Cancel' to quit. If you select 'Cancel', your
system will be left in a partially updated state and may
not work corr

User Input: OK

Starting process:
C:\WINNT\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\spuninst.exe /~

Dirty Uninstall was successful

I would take the error at face value - installer couldn't delete a file
(msiinst.tmp) - is there anything
that could be accessing the file at the same time - most likely antivirus?
Any users connected to the box?

Try turning off antivirus and any other services (especially non-MS) and
reinstalling SP4.

Am assuming permissions to your C drive are appropriate?
Thanks Tom,

I have tried some of this like the anti virus stooped and
any other services but still receive the same error. I am
signed on as administrator locally. We run this box as a
backup server so there should not be any other users
connected to the box. I will try a few more things. we
have 4 other boxes that pretty much mirror this server as
backup servers and SP4 went on fine on those.

