Error Installing "ADAPTEC EZCD 4.04"

Jul 29, 2024
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I downloaded "Adaptec EZCD 4.04" and after running "R29396.exe" another exe is Unzipped , namely "UP404_D11.exe. To fully install this program this 2nd exe is required to be run as well which produces an error stating "The update has been canceled. No qualified Adaptec product can be detected."
The update is the 2nd exe.
I have tried other software programs to read and write CD's which they appear to have a file format problem which I will resolve later , but for now I would just like to be able to get around this error of no qualified product detected.

This program is used for reading and writing CD's. The CD drive I am using is an "HL-DT-STCD-RW_GCE-8481B" (Hitachi-LG Data Storage) (HL Data Storage) , and I have a Windows 98 operating system. The computer is an "IBM Aptiva".

I would like to know how to get around this error and finish installing this program.
Your help is very much appreciated , Dave