I got a textbox and datagrid,I need to input the key in textbox and press
"delete" , so the datarow will be deleted.
(i use another dataadapter and dataset to delete the record)
Now,I want to clear my dataset and fill in again as the following code :-
[However I got the above error message]
' dsSeaExHBL_cntrmark.Clear()
' daSeaExHBL_cntrmark.SelectCommand.CommandText = "....etc
' daSeaExHBL_cntrmark.Fill(dsSeaExHBL_cntrmark,
** If i didn't fill in the dataset again, the datagrid will remain my
deleted record**
"delete" , so the datarow will be deleted.
(i use another dataadapter and dataset to delete the record)
Now,I want to clear my dataset and fill in again as the following code :-
[However I got the above error message]
' dsSeaExHBL_cntrmark.Clear()
' daSeaExHBL_cntrmark.SelectCommand.CommandText = "....etc
' daSeaExHBL_cntrmark.Fill(dsSeaExHBL_cntrmark,
** If i didn't fill in the dataset again, the datagrid will remain my
deleted record**