I have a access application (ACCESS97) working as client
of a SQL Server 2000.
The following vb code gets the name of the bases in the
SQL Server that start with some letters included in the
variable 'IdentificadorBaseDatos'. When this code is
executed in win2000 or win98 works properly. But in winXP
an error windows is open closing the application.
what should I check?
Set wrkODBC = CreateWorkspac
("EspacioTrabajo", "Admin", "", dbUseODBC)
Set db = wrkODBC.OpenConnection("ConexionName",
dbDriverNoPrompt,True, "ODBC;DATABASE=Master;UID=sa;pwd=;
SN=" & Odbc)
InstSql = "Select sysdatabases.* from sysdatabases WHERE
name LIKE '" & IdentificadorBaseDatos & "%'"
Set Rs = db.OpenRecordset(InstSql, dbOpenSnapshot,
of a SQL Server 2000.
The following vb code gets the name of the bases in the
SQL Server that start with some letters included in the
variable 'IdentificadorBaseDatos'. When this code is
executed in win2000 or win98 works properly. But in winXP
an error windows is open closing the application.
what should I check?
Set wrkODBC = CreateWorkspac
("EspacioTrabajo", "Admin", "", dbUseODBC)
Set db = wrkODBC.OpenConnection("ConexionName",
dbDriverNoPrompt,True, "ODBC;DATABASE=Master;UID=sa;pwd=;
SN=" & Odbc)
InstSql = "Select sysdatabases.* from sysdatabases WHERE
name LIKE '" & IdentificadorBaseDatos & "%'"
Set Rs = db.OpenRecordset(InstSql, dbOpenSnapshot,