Hi all . I got a php script that when i run it i get the following warnnings.
could any one help me fix these warnings .Thanks
could any one help me fix these warnings .Thanks
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in this line...
foreach (glob("$sDir/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $sSubDir)
$aSubFiles = rglob($sSubDir, $sPattern, $nFlags);
$aFiles = array_merge($aFiles, $aSubFiles);
Warning: sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in this line...
/* Get Listing of avatars */
$files = rglob (AVATARS_DIR.AVATARS_DIR_STOCK, '*');
sort ($files, SORT_STRING);
complete code:
* Recursive version of glob
* @return array containing all pattern-matched files.
* @param string $sDir Directory to start with.
* @param string $sPattern Pattern to glob for.
* @param int $nFlags Flags sent to glob.
function rglob($sDir, $sPattern, $nFlags = NULL)
$sDir = escapeshellcmd($sDir);
// Get the list of all matching files currently in the
// directory.
$aFiles = glob("$sDir/$sPattern", $nFlags);
// Then get a list of all directories in this directory, and
// run ourselves on the resulting array. This is the
// recursion step, which will not execute if there are no
// directories.
foreach (glob("$sDir/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $sSubDir)
$aSubFiles = rglob($sSubDir, $sPattern, $nFlags);
$aFiles = array_merge($aFiles, $aSubFiles);
// The array we return contains the files we found, and the
// files all of our children found.
return $aFiles;
/* Get Listing of avatars */
$files = rglob (AVATARS_DIR.AVATARS_DIR_STOCK, '*');
sort ($files, SORT_STRING);