Error In Access 2007 In a Macro

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert
  • Start date Start date


The database is Access 2003. Using access 2007 to open it. It was working
fine, now it gives an error "because of your security settings and current
security policy, this control is disabled". (run time error 2926)

The code is

Dim GridProps As Variant: Dim rs_Temp As DAO.Recordset
Dim X As Integer

Set GridProps = Me.grid_BendWall.Object

First of all, just to clarify, this looks like a VBA procedure rather than
an Access macro.

Is the file in a folder that has been defined in Access 2007 as a Trusted
You are correct. I should have posted in security. I changed the trusted
location to a network directory where the database resides, changed the
registry key sandbox to 2 and converted the db to access 2007. Still get
that error. Microsoft made is crazy for hiding so deeply in the software
the setting to override this. I'll keep looking.

Runtime error 2926. Due to your Security settings and the current security
rules the control has been deactivated.
Use the status bar to change the security rules and to activate the database.
I figured it out.

The KB960715 security update sets a kill bit in the registry entry
for several ActiveX controls and the grid control was one of them. It would
error out in the vba macro on that control

I have same issue.
Can you please tell me what are the step you followed to resolve this issue.
