Al Williams
I have error handling in place throughout my application. I also start the
application wrapped in error handling code to catch any unexpected
exceptions (i.e. exceptions that occur where I haven't placed error handling
When I run my app from the IDE, the unhandled errors are caught by the error
handling code in my Sub Main routine and the error details are logged to a
text file and optionally e-mailed to me for follow-up.
However, when I run the app as an EXE (i.e. running the executable - not
from the IDE) - this error handling does not kick-in. Instead, I the default
..NET error message box is displayed (and the error is not logged).
Any idea why this would be happening? Note, I've noticed the same behaviour
when compiling in both "Release" and "Debug" mode.
Here is the part of my Sub Main that traps all other unexpected errors in
the application:
If gblnAuthenticated Then
Application.Run(New frmMain)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim errInfo As String
errInfo = "Source: " + ex.Source.ToString + vbCrLf
errInfo += vbCrLf
errInfo += "Message: " + ex.Message.ToString + vbCrLf
errInfo += vbCrLf
errInfo += "Target: " + ex.TargetSite.ToString + vbCrLf
errInfo += vbCrLf
errInfo += "Stack Trace: " + vbCrLf
errInfo += ex.StackTrace.ToString + vbCrLf
'show form advising user that an unexpected error has occured
Dim frmErr As New frmError
'call function to log and E-Mail error details to LDS
clsGeneral.fnLogError(errInfo, gblnAutoSendErrorReports)
Catch e As Exception
'if an error occurs while logging the error - just ignore it
End Try
End Try
End If
I have error handling in place throughout my application. I also start the
application wrapped in error handling code to catch any unexpected
exceptions (i.e. exceptions that occur where I haven't placed error handling
When I run my app from the IDE, the unhandled errors are caught by the error
handling code in my Sub Main routine and the error details are logged to a
text file and optionally e-mailed to me for follow-up.
However, when I run the app as an EXE (i.e. running the executable - not
from the IDE) - this error handling does not kick-in. Instead, I the default
..NET error message box is displayed (and the error is not logged).
Any idea why this would be happening? Note, I've noticed the same behaviour
when compiling in both "Release" and "Debug" mode.
Here is the part of my Sub Main that traps all other unexpected errors in
the application:
If gblnAuthenticated Then
Application.Run(New frmMain)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim errInfo As String
errInfo = "Source: " + ex.Source.ToString + vbCrLf
errInfo += vbCrLf
errInfo += "Message: " + ex.Message.ToString + vbCrLf
errInfo += vbCrLf
errInfo += "Target: " + ex.TargetSite.ToString + vbCrLf
errInfo += vbCrLf
errInfo += "Stack Trace: " + vbCrLf
errInfo += ex.StackTrace.ToString + vbCrLf
'show form advising user that an unexpected error has occured
Dim frmErr As New frmError
'call function to log and E-Mail error details to LDS
clsGeneral.fnLogError(errInfo, gblnAutoSendErrorReports)
Catch e As Exception
'if an error occurs while logging the error - just ignore it
End Try
End Try
End If