I have a linked table with about 24k entries.
I want to loop all the way through it and change the value of one field.
The code is below, but basically reads the field to a sting, does something
and writes it back.
When I run it, 9k records are processed, then I get the following error.
Error Number: 3052
Error Description: File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase
MaxLocksPerFile registry entry.
If I import the table and open with dbOpenTable it works fine.
Is there a neat way around this as I don't want to get involved with the
registry. At the time no one else will be using either of the two databases
so I don't need to lock records but I don't know how to tell Access that.
many thanks in advance
PS, using Office XP, on Windows XP
Private Sub Remove_Digits_From_Code()
'removes digits and space from right hand side of code in Classes table
Dim Clss As DAO.Recordset
Dim TC As String
Set Clss = Db.OpenRecordset("Classes", dbOpenDynaset)
TC = Nz(Clss!
I want to loop all the way through it and change the value of one field.
The code is below, but basically reads the field to a sting, does something
and writes it back.
When I run it, 9k records are processed, then I get the following error.
Error Number: 3052
Error Description: File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase
MaxLocksPerFile registry entry.
If I import the table and open with dbOpenTable it works fine.
Is there a neat way around this as I don't want to get involved with the
registry. At the time no one else will be using either of the two databases
so I don't need to lock records but I don't know how to tell Access that.
many thanks in advance
PS, using Office XP, on Windows XP
Private Sub Remove_Digits_From_Code()
'removes digits and space from right hand side of code in Classes table
Dim Clss As DAO.Recordset
Dim TC As String
Set Clss = Db.OpenRecordset("Classes", dbOpenDynaset)
TC = Nz(Clss!
, "")
TC = Left(TC, InStr(TC, " ") - 1) 'removes space and all chars after
Clss![Code] = TC ' overwrite old version
Loop Until Clss.EOF
Set Clss = Nothing
End Sub