Error during installation of Windows XP Professional

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I’ve upgraded my PC and I’m trying, unsuccessfully, to re-install Windows XP

My new hardware is: E6600 CPU; MSI P965 Platinum motherboard; 2GB Crucial
memory; WD Caviar RE2 500GB S300 (SATA II) hard drive; Optiarc AD-7170S DVD
writer (SATA); and a Gigabyte GeForce 8600GT PCI Express graphics card. The
only old hardware being re-used is the floppy disk drive.

My Windows XP CD is for an upgrade from NT4 and has no service packs built
into it.

I boot off the Windows XP CD, and press F6 to allow me to load the
motherboard manufacturer’s driver for the ICHR8 SATA RAID controller. When
prompted I’ve put in my old NT4 CD and then the XP CD again. The XP
installation has continued loading other drivers etc. and then tried to start
Windows so that it can complete the installation.

At this point I get a blue screen with text saying Windows has detected a
problem and shut down to prevent damage. The error message displayed at the
bottom of the screen is:

STOP: 0x7E (0xC0000005, 0xF748E0BF, 0xF78DA208, 0xF78D9F08)
pci.sys – Address F748E0BF base at F748700, Datestamp 3b7d855c

I know that this is a problem with Windows XP and not my hardware because:
a) I can install Linux (Knoppix 5.1) on the hard disk and everything works
fine; and
b) I borrowed someone’s Windows XP Professional CD (which includes Service
Pack 2) and the installation worked fine up until the point I had to enter
the XP license key: it didn’t like my licence key. I think this was because
the borrowed CD was for a brand new installation while my key is for an
upgrade to Windows XP Professional from NT4.

My original XP CD only recognised the first 130GB of my hard disk during the
setup while the borrowed CD recognised all 500GB. I think this is a known
issue with the large disks when using early versions of Windows.

I’ve searched the internet and found articles/postings describing people
having problems installing Windows XP on SATA drives but the articles all say
that loading the manufacturer’s drivers during the XP installation should
work. For me, this works when using the borrowed SP2 CD but not when using
my original XP upgrade CD.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can get Windows XP Professional
installed on my new system?
Alfred said:
I've upgraded my PC and I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to re-install
Windows XP Professional.

My new hardware is: E6600 CPU; MSI P965 Platinum motherboard; 2GB
Crucial memory; WD Caviar RE2 500GB S300 (SATA II) hard drive;
Optiarc AD-7170S DVD writer (SATA); and a Gigabyte GeForce 8600GT
PCI Express graphics card. The only old hardware being re-used is
the floppy disk drive.

My Windows XP CD is for an upgrade from NT4 and has no service
packs built into it.

I boot off the Windows XP CD, and press F6 to allow me to load the
motherboard manufacturer's driver for the ICHR8 SATA RAID
controller. When prompted I've put in my old NT4 CD and then the
XP CD again. The XP installation has continued loading other
drivers etc. and then tried to start Windows so that it can
complete the installation.

At this point I get a blue screen with text saying Windows has
detected a problem and shut down to prevent damage. The error
message displayed at the bottom of the screen is:

STOP: 0x7E (0xC0000005, 0xF748E0BF, 0xF78DA208, 0xF78D9F08)
pci.sys - Address F748E0BF base at F748700, Datestamp 3b7d855c

I know that this is a problem with Windows XP and not my hardware
because: a) I can install Linux (Knoppix 5.1) on the hard disk and
everything works fine; and
b) I borrowed someone's Windows XP Professional CD (which includes
Service Pack 2) and the installation worked fine up until the point
I had to enter the XP license key: it didn't like my licence key.
I think this was because the borrowed CD was for a brand new
installation while my key is for an upgrade to Windows XP
Professional from NT4.

My original XP CD only recognised the first 130GB of my hard disk
during the setup while the borrowed CD recognised all 500GB. I
think this is a known issue with the large disks when using early
versions of Windows.

I've searched the internet and found articles/postings describing
people having problems installing Windows XP on SATA drives but the
articles all say that loading the manufacturer's drivers during the
XP installation should work. For me, this works when using the
borrowed SP2 CD but not when using my original XP upgrade CD.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can get Windows XP
Professional installed on my new system?

Integrate SP2 into *your* Windows XP CD and try with the new media you
create. Your problem could be the as simple as the driver you are using (F6
installation) not being compatable with Windows XP RTM but Windows XP SP1 or
SP2. Integrating SP2 into your installation media would resolve that issues
(and others you might end up having.)
Shenan Stanley said:
Integrate SP2 into *your* Windows XP CD and try with the new media you
create. Your problem could be the as simple as the driver you are using (F6
installation) not being compatable with Windows XP RTM but Windows XP SP1 or
SP2. Integrating SP2 into your installation media would resolve that issues
(and others you might end up having.)

Thanks for the advice Shenan.
I am having theh same problem after reformating HD on 965 Chipset. I am
trying to restore from my original XP disk. My HD is NTFS and freshly
BTW WPro2K loaded fine but I was unable to upgrade to XP. Same pci.sys

I'm stuck !

Don't bother installing Windows 2000 before XP, that is unnecessary,
when the XP upgrade version can't find an earlier Windows version to
upgrade it will ask you to insert an earlier qualifying version Windows
CD in the drive and once it is satisfied that you have a qualifying
version to upgrade it will proceed to install cleanly.

As for the 0x7e error try here:

"STOP 0x0000007E" error message after you upgrade to Windows XP;_ylt...E+pci.sys+installing+xp&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501

Slipstream SP2 into the Windows cd and try again, apparently SP2 fixes
the problem.

The other posters installation only recognises 130gb because they are using
a pre sp1 installation cd