Error# displayed in fields

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I have an Access 2000 SR-1 based application. This problem happens on only
on one of my customer's computers (so far to my knowledge). The problem is:
A form is opened that is bound to a query; this form also happens to have a
sub-form on it with Link Child and Master fields. There is a button on the
form that opens another form; when this other form is then closed, the
original form now displays Error# in several numeric and date fields (text
boxes that are Formated Fixed with 1 decimal place and Formatted 'm/d/yyyy').
There is no special coding happening when the second form is closed.

This seemed sort of like a reference issue, so we ran a little utility that
exports all of the references to a text file - none of them appear to be
broken. It would seem that if it was a reference issue that the numeric and
date fields would display the Error# when their host form was first opened.

This application is installed on a Windows 2000 Pro machine that has Office
97; my application was installed using the Access 2000 SR-1 Runtime. We
uninstalled my application and Access 2K Runtime and reinstalled, but still
no sucess. The customer has a seemingly identical machine that doesn't
experience this problem (obviously something is different, but I don't know
what it is).

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Jim

First thing to try would be to bring the machine up to date with the service
packs. He really needs to apply SP2 for the Access 2000 runtime:
and (most importantly) SR-8 for JET 4:

It would be good to check that he has the correct SPs for Win2000 also.
There was a setting relating to "opportunistic locking" that was addressed
in the Win SPs, though I can't be sure if that applied to the Server version

If the problem still exists after the SPs are applied:
1. Does the other form edit the same record as the original form? Are there
memo fields involved here? Could it be a concurreny issue?

2. Does the #Error disappear when you change record after switching back to
your form? (We actually saw something similar on a very busy network, and it
seemed to be a timing issue.) Or does a Recalc force the correct display?
Thanks I will check into this. I had recommended that they install the SR-8
for Jet for another reason, so I'll encourage them to do that. I am a little
reluctant to apply SP2 for Access 2K RT because there is no distributable
version of this. I distribute the SR-1 version of the RT with my app; I
don't want to get into a situation where all of my customers have to download
and apply SP2. Would there be any risk that my SR-1 based application would
break after applying SP2 on this one machine?
Jim D. said:
... Would there be any risk that my SR-1 based application would
break after applying SP2 on this one machine?

Jim, I've never expeienced anything breaking by applying the runtime SP, but
I'm not using the A2000 runtime. (Currently using A2002, and no problems
with the runtime patches there either.)

If anyone else has experienced problems caused by this runtime SP, we would
all like to know about it.

My name is Ki Yi, and I am with Microsoft Access Support team. Vikrant has
asked to work on this issue with you.

I have following questions/suggestions:

1) What happens if you directly open the form? Do you get the same #Error?
2) What references are checked in the database?

3) Can you create a new test database with a form using the Format function
like your original form, package it and have
your customer test it to see the same behavior occurs?

I will be waiting for your reply. Thanks!

Ki Yi
Microsoft Support

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