I use Windows XP Home edition with service pack 2 and it is keep up to date.
Also windows firewall is on.
I just installed PcCillin 2006 and blocked ports TCP 135,137,139, 445, 80 -
also UDP ports 135,137,138. I keep getting the Netowk Virus warning for
MS03-026 every 15 minutes or so- I run a virus scan and my computer is clean.
After awhile I get the error message DE6TLM241 - HIS COMPUTER IS IN USE AND
HAS BEEN LOCKED. ONLY DE6TLM241/ (Name of Owner xxxxxx)
which all the documentation says includes the patches for Ms03-016.
Also windows firewall is on.
I just installed PcCillin 2006 and blocked ports TCP 135,137,139, 445, 80 -
also UDP ports 135,137,138. I keep getting the Netowk Virus warning for
MS03-026 every 15 minutes or so- I run a virus scan and my computer is clean.
After awhile I get the error message DE6TLM241 - HIS COMPUTER IS IN USE AND
HAS BEEN LOCKED. ONLY DE6TLM241/ (Name of Owner xxxxxx)
How can I fix the problem concerning MS03-26 - I have the latest updatesOR
USER NAME: xxxxxxx
which all the documentation says includes the patches for Ms03-016.