error CS0200 on property's private setter

  • Thread starter Thread starter geraldbauer
  • Start date Start date


I discovered an item worthy of discussion. This is in regards to
exception I discovered. Spefically error CS0200 that is referencing
System.Xml.Serialization.Compiler.Compile(Assembly parent, String ns,
CompilerParameters parameters, Evidence evidence).

<How discovered>
I am working on an application that uses Microsoft's UIP 2.0. This
process has worked wonderfully for us. I made some changes to the code
base and was doing my unit testing when the application was not able to
launch. I was not able to create the first controller (and thus
windows form). After digging around I discovered that some private
setters on a property I created a week earlier was throwing up a CS0200
error that is referencing the
System.Xml.Serialization.Compiler.Compile(Assembly parent, String ns,
CompilerParameters parameters, Evidence evidence).

These two private property setters are wrappers for two different
attributes on an xml document's xml nodes/elements. Here is another
interesting twist. I have other private setters in the same class that
is for a different attribute on the same xml node that is not being
complained about.

Having these two private setters worked wonderfully until today (for
about a week). I removed the private on the two setters as a test.
Everything works like a champ. I put them back in individually to see
if only one of the setters is the issue, not a chance.

The bottom-line is that I have a clean compile with private property
setters but I am not able to run the application with two specific
private setters.

<Work around>
I removed the two offending private setters for setting the attribute
values. Everything now works.

I am able to compile without any issues. Am I wrong to think that this
issue is a JIT serialization problem?

Has anyone else discovered this issue?

<Background Info>
The error I am talking about, error CS0200, generates the following
error CS0200: Property or indexer '[assembly name].[property name]'
cannot be assigned to -- it is read only\r\n at [assembly name].[other
stuff showing the method and assembly related path info]

I am looking for interesting answers to my discovery.