I'm venezuelan and my english is not good but I work with WXP SP2 and I'm
trying conect a printer with the command net use lpt1 \\namepc\nameprinter
and the system return to my the next error "Error de sistema 66 El tipo de
recurso de red no es correcto" in english is some as " System error 66 The
type of network resource is not right" until yesterday i haven't problem with
that but today i don't know wath append there are not changes beetwen
yesterday and today
trying conect a printer with the command net use lpt1 \\namepc\nameprinter
and the system return to my the next error "Error de sistema 66 El tipo de
recurso de red no es correcto" in english is some as " System error 66 The
type of network resource is not right" until yesterday i haven't problem with
that but today i don't know wath append there are not changes beetwen
yesterday and today