Thank you all for the wealth of knowledge that you all have
pointed me to, From Doug's help about "Googling" it thru TaurArian's table
of codes and ending with David's excellent explanation, I now have the tools
and information that I was seeking. Again,
"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
Things starting with 0xCnnnnnnn are NT Status codes (there is more than
Cnnnnnnn but you'll see Cs)
Numbers less than a couple of tthousands are Windows error codes.
0x means it's a hexidecimal (base 16 - 0-9, A, B, C, D, E, 10 - 19, 1A, 1B,
etc) number.
0x8nnnnnnn are Com errors
means Error
means sucess
is Win 32 error codes. Type in a command prompt
Net Helpmsg nnn
Where nnn is the lower 4 digits in decimal (use calc to convert)
is programmer defined error codes
if nnnn < 256 = Dos error code (See bottom of post)
Platform SDK: COM
Structure of COM Error Codes
SCODEs on 16-bit platforms are divided into four fields: a severity code, a
context field, a facility field, and an error code. The following
illustration shows the format of an SCODE on a 16-bit platform; the numbers
indicate bit positions:
HRESULTs and SCODEs on 32-bit platforms have the following format:
The high-order bit in the HRESULT or SCODE indicates whether the return
value represents success or failure. If set to 0, SEVERITY_SUCCESS, the
value indicates success. If set to 1, SEVERITY_ERROR, it indicates failure.
The context field is reserved in the SCODE on 16-bit platforms and does not
exist in the version for 32-bit platforms. The R, C, N, and r bits are also
The facility field in both versions indicates the system service responsible
for the error. Microsoft allocates new facility codes as they become
necessary. Most SCODEs and HRESULTs set the facility field to FACILITY_ITF,
indicating an interface method error.
Common facility fields are described in the following table.
Facility Field Value Description
FACILITY_DISPATCH 2 For late-binding IDispatch interface errors.
FACILITY_ITF 4 For most status codes returned from interface methods.
The actual meaning of the error is defined by the interface. That is, two
HRESULTs with exactly the same 32-bit value returned from two different
interfaces might have different meanings.
FACILITY_NULL 0 For broadly applicable common status codes such as
FACILITY_RPC 1 For status codes returned from remote procedure calls.
FACILITY_STORAGE 3 For status codes returned from IStorage or IStream
method calls relating to structured storage. Status codes whose code (lower
16 bits) value is in the range of DOS error codes (that is, less than 256)
have the same meaning as the corresponding DOS error.
FACILITY_WIN32 7 Used to provide a means of handling error codes from
functions in the Win32® API as an HRESULT. Error codes in 16-bit OLE that
duplicated Win32 error codes have also been changed to FACILITY_WIN32.
FACILITY_WINDOWS 8 Used for additional error codes from
Microsoft-defined interfaces.
The code field is a unique number that is assigned to represent the error or
By convention, HRESULTs generally have names in the following format:
Facility is either the facility name or some other distinguishing
identifier; Severity is a single letter, S or E, that indicates whether the
function call succeeded (S) or produced an error (E); and Reason is an
identifier that describes the meaning of the code. For example, the status
code STG_E_FILENOTFOUND indicates a storage-related error has occurred;
specifically, a requested file does not exist. Status codes from
FACILITY_NULL omit the Facility_ prefix.
Error codes are defined within the context of an interface implementation.
Once defined, success codes cannot be changed or new success codes added.
However, new failure codes can be written. Microsoft reserves the right to
define new failure codes (but not success codes) for the interfaces
described in FACILITY_ITF or in new facilities.
COM Documentation Team Release: February 2003 What did you think of this
Let us know. Order a COM Documentation Team CD Online
(U.S/Canada) (International)
Dos Error Codes.
01 Invalid function number
02 File not found
03 Path not found
04 Too many open files (no handles left)
05 Access denied
06 Invalid handle
07 Memory control blocks destroyed
08 Insufficient memory
09 Invalid memory block address
0A Invalid environment
0B Invalid format
0C Invalid access mode (open mode is invalid)
0D Invalid data
0E Reserved
0F Invalid drive specified
10 Attempt to remove current directory
11 Not same device
12 No more files
13 Attempt to write on a write-protected diskette
14 Unknown unit
15 Drive not ready
16 Unknown command
17 CRC error
18 Bad request structure length
19 Seek error
1A Unknown media type
1B Sector not found
1C Printer out of paper
1D Write fault
1E Read fault
1F General failure
20 Sharing violation
21 Lock violation
22 Invalid disk change
23 FCB unavailable
24 Sharing buffer overflow
25 Reserved
26 Unable to complete file operation (DOS 4.x)
27-31 Reserved
32 Network request not supported
33 Remote computer not listening
34 Duplicate name on network
35 Network name not found
36 Network busy
37 Network device no longer exists
38 NetBIOS command limit exceeded
39 Network adapter error
3A Incorrect network response
3B Unexpected network error
3C Incompatible remote adapter
3D Print queue full
3E No space for print file
3F Print file deleted
40 Network name deleted
41 Access denied
42 Network device type incorrect
43 Network name not found
44 Network name limit exceeded
45 NetBIOS session limit exceeded
46 Temporarily paused
47 Network request not accepted
48 Print or disk redirection is paused
49-4F Reserved
50 File already exists
51 Reserved
52 Cannot make directory entry
53 Fail on INT 24
54 Too many redirections
55 Duplicate redirection
56 Invalid password
57 Invalid parameter
58 Network device fault
59 Function not supported by network (DOS 4.x)
5A Required system component not installed (DOS 4.x)