Can some one please help me. I'm stumped over it. I am unable to publish my
website. The following is the error that shows up when I attempt to publish
my site:
Server error: '_fpclass' does not refer to a page or folder in this web. It
may be a page or folder in a subweb, or it could be badly formed URL.
Does anyone know exactly what this means? PLEASE HELP!!
I am using Frontpage 2003, and attempting to publish to Yahoo! Webhost. I
guess which uses Unix servers.
Thanks in advance for your assistance....
website. The following is the error that shows up when I attempt to publish
my site:
Server error: '_fpclass' does not refer to a page or folder in this web. It
may be a page or folder in a subweb, or it could be badly formed URL.
Does anyone know exactly what this means? PLEASE HELP!!
I am using Frontpage 2003, and attempting to publish to Yahoo! Webhost. I
guess which uses Unix servers.
Thanks in advance for your assistance....