You guys are not going to believe this. I finally got Vista to install,
heres what happened and how I did it:
1. I pasted the download link into FIREFOX of all things. that is the only
way I could get a good download.
2. Burned the ISO to DVD using Roxio DVD builder @ 2X speed.
3. Copied all the install files to the hard drive in a folder labeled "Vista
Install" and ran the installation from there. It took 2 1/2 HOURS to install.
When Vista started for the first time, all I got was a black screen, working
mouse, and the build number noted in the lower right corner. NO graphics at
all and nothing works. I had to roll back the installation and am now back
to XP.
Talk about disapointment! Any thoughts? My machine is a 1.4 Gig celeron
with a GIG of RAM