Error code 80070017 during install

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Hi, my dad and I were installing Vista Beta on my laptop and had selected to
install Vista as a clean install. At 30% completion of the install we
repeatedly recieved an error 80070017 message concerning a setup file not
being able to be installed properly.

Is this an error I can get around? The reason I ask is that when I left the
laptop to look for solutions, my dad decided to try to format the hard drive
using the option in the Vista install program. I have lost all ability to use
my laptop and would desperately like to have an OS installed so I can use my
laptop. (The reason I have not reinstalled XP is that I cannot find my
installation CD for it.

If you need further information such as PC spec or a more detailed error
description I would be happy to provide it.

Many thanks
According to MS, more than three fourths of installation problems involving
file copy errors (yours) are resolved by burning the dvd at the slowest
possible speed. Contact the manufacturer of your laptop for the recovery
cd's or instructions on how to restore from a hidden recovery partition if
that is what the manufacturer provided you with.