When starting up the computer this errors pop up:
'Could not load or run 'dllreg.exe' specified in registry.
Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the
reference to it in registry.
'Cannot find file 'dellreg.exe'.
'cannot find file C:\WINNT\system32\vxdmgr32.exe. Make
sure path and file name are correct and that required
libraries are available.
What to do?
'Could not load or run 'dllreg.exe' specified in registry.
Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the
reference to it in registry.
'Cannot find file 'dellreg.exe'.
'cannot find file C:\WINNT\system32\vxdmgr32.exe. Make
sure path and file name are correct and that required
libraries are available.
What to do?