Holger Grund
What's special about System::String?
For instance, why can't one write a function like
using System::String;
void foo( const String% );
or what's wrong with:
int main() {
String s = "Snoopy"; // or just String s; if the ctor is not synthesized
Also ADL does not seem to work reliably with String.
I can understand why delegates and arrays are special from a FE
perspective (even though, I strongly believe it's another design flaw), but
what the heck is special about System::String?
For instance, why can't one write a function like
using System::String;
void foo( const String% );
or what's wrong with:
int main() {
String s = "Snoopy"; // or just String s; if the ctor is not synthesized
Also ADL does not seem to work reliably with String.
I can understand why delegates and arrays are special from a FE
perspective (even though, I strongly believe it's another design flaw), but
what the heck is special about System::String?