Dear gerry,
thanks thats what i usually get

that with win32k.sys popping up, errors with no details on it, 0x0000000A,
nv4_mini.sys (i think) and other assortments.
I look into the device manager, nothing which has a yellow symbol on it
(I've seen such an issue before so im positive about it)
I use to have issues which related to a bad power supply (which was
replaced, comp got better and now is problematic as before).
I might have to get a new graphics card, but i think its the ram as well...
if i told you that, when i play LARGE video files 1280x720 350MB files which
crashes after 3-6minutes of play. The comp will then refuse to start up
unless i pull the power and leave for several minutes.
1.I have 2 512MB 166MHz DDR
2.NVIDIA GeForce 7100GS
would that help to decide which is most likely at fault?
But besides that, the error notification (which appears before the website)
continually appears after report sending, what does that tell me?
i checked the driver signing, 55 turned out to be non-signed, when you say
disregard you mean delete correct? Manually be going into the folder?
Lastly what do i do witht he debugger? i tried opening a minidump and it
kept comming with errors reguarding incorrect symbols etc~
Thanks upfront for any help =]!