Error: Access is Denied - OWA 2000.




I find normal users trying to view their mailboxes from the web using
'Outlook Web Access' get the 'Access is Denied' message when they've typed
their password 3 times. I have checked their password and the check out and
the users can TS using their account into the server.

The other thing is I find only Administrators are able to view the mailbox
using OWA, I've checked various Microsoft articles and others and it's got
nothing to do with a proxy there is now ISA installed and it doesn't seem to
be with the domain controller security policies, as I've looked at every
setting even setting them to default [no setting] and still no luck =/

There must be something else?

Any help greatly appreciated.


Are you using Microsoft authentication for OWA? If so, do
the users get a two-line or a three-line authentication
box? If they get a three-line box, most users understand
to put their network domain in the domain box, but if
they're getting a two-line box, in many environments,
you'll get that error if the users don't type
domain\username in the first box. I've seen it come
across with the IP of our firewall as the domain, which
gives just the symptom you described. When I have the
users put in the correct logon domain, they're able to log

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