Error 87 The parameter is incorrect.

  • Thread starter Thread starter RandyB1
  • Start date Start date


I'm attempting to mirror drives between servers using robocopy.exe, something
I've done many times before. The mirror copy is from a 2000 server to a 2003
server. Certain files give the Error 87 message and do not copy. I've tried
using explorer and command prompt with the same results. I've tried to copy
to another 2000 server with the same result. Cannot find an answer in any KB
articles or TechNet discussions.
Hello RandyB1,

The destination drive is NTFS formatted, i assume?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
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Yes. These are Clariion SAN LUNs formatted NTFS. I contacted premium
support, because I got blue screens when trying to run chkdsk /f. On
Saturday, I am going to boot to a 2003 recovery console and try to chkdsk
again. The support tech thinks the problem is with the NTFS file tables.