Error 80072efd

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Since you can't immediately login, remember that you can try logging into the Web Messenger,
at least until you can restore your normal Messenger functionality:

However, here are some suggestions you should check/try if you haven't already.

1. The date on your computer needs to be set properly -- double click the clock verify that
the time and date are set.
2. If your password information is not saved, verify that you are typing it in with the
correct case (uppercase or lowercase).
3. Change your password @ to
something smaller (under 10-12 characters), then try signing in again.
4. If you use a firewall (like ZoneAlarm, Norton Internet Security etc. ), it's possible
that Messenger doesn't have the correct rights to access the Internet, especially since you
upgraded. You may need to re/add Messenger to the allowed list of programs in your firewall
if this is the case.
5. If you disabled your firewall in the past, it still may be blocking Messenger -- try
restarting it and see if that helps the situation. You also might try uninstalling an
installed firewall, to verify that it isn't causing a problem (even if it is disabled).
6. Clear your IE cache and cookies -- open Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu, then
Internet Options, then click the Delete Files button, and when that's complete click the
Delete Cookies button.
7. Check your IE Security settings -- open Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu, then
Internet Options, then Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section, and verify that "Check
for server certificate revocation" is unchecked. Also verify that 'Use SSL 2.0' and Use SSL
3.0' is checked, then click OK.
8. Click Start, then Run, and enter the following:
regsvr32 softpub.dll
then click OK
and do the same for the following:
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
9. If using MSN Messenger 7, click the Tools menu, then Options, then Connection category,
click the Advanced Settings button, uncheck all the options, click OK twice and then try
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2005 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
nullifi3d said:
Hi, i too am having the same problems. I never encountered it before and
it just happened a few days ago. I have 3 PCs in my house under the same
connection and they are also having the same problem. I tried using the
steps listed but it didn't work. Hope this is just temporary and MSN
will work after a few days.


3 days ago my MSN Messenger stopped working and I get the 80072efd
error. My Internet Explorer has also stopped connecting to the net and
crashes on exit. My Ghostsurf has also started to crash when it starts

None of the normal solutions have worked. I've disabled the XP
firewall, my mcaffee personal firewall, checked my msn connection
settings, been on the Microsoft help area and even spoken to the AOL
help people (AOL are my ISP). They were helpful and and I've followed
their advice but to no avail.

I'm now considering a clean install of XP which is a lot of hassle.
Does anyone else have any advice?
hi all, i am having a problem like u guys, where i cant sign in to MSN
because this problem ; 80072efd, like u lot it has never happend before so i
dont know what to do, i have tried all these tips and still nothing. what i
have noticed though, is when i go to Tools, Option, Connection, a page comes
up and it reads; You are currently NOT connected to NET. Messanger Service.
and i dont know what to do so can some one please help me.

andrew, (e-mail address removed)