Please, read the thread below, it's relatively short.
REPLY from : Giridharan Sridharan [MSFT]
MY Reply to him:
I followed the directions in your document and it almost worked.
Specifically, I tried to get the CMAK method to work.
I also followed the directions in this URL:
The problem is that if you choose "All Users" in the CMAK profile, when you install
the connectoid, it doesn't install the correct directory structure and files.
More specifically,
C:\documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\<profile_name>\CMROUTE.DLL
etc. does not exist.
If you choose "My use only" everything gets installed correctly.
C:\documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\<profile_name>\CMROUTE.DLL
etc. gets created, but after you connect and it comes time to set the static routes, I get this error in the Connectoid log:
[cmdial32] 22:54:44 21 Clear Log Event
[cmdial32] 22:55:01 04 Pre-Connect Event ConnectionType = 1
[cmdial32] 22:55:01 06 Pre-Tunnel Event UserName = vpnuser Domain = DUNSetting = Callwave Tunnel DeviceName = TunnelAddress = tunnel.callwave.com
[cmdial32] 22:55:02 07 Connect Event
[cmdial32] 22:55:03 08 Custom Action Dll ActionType = Connect Actions Description = to update your routing table ActionPath = C:\Documents and Settings\pjc\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\CWCMAK\CMROUTE.DLL ReturnValue = 0x8007000b
[cmdial32] 22:55:03 20 On-Error Event ErrorCode = -2147024885 ErrorSource = to update your routing table
[cmdial32] 22:55:03 12 Disconnect Event CallingProcess = C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmdial32.dll
So, what's the problem?
It seems like every time I try to get anything to work on Windows it "should" be simple, but it never is!
I always end up with some obtuse error and have no idea where to proceed.
Help please.
Paul said:L2TP/IPSec all working.
My client successfully makes a VPN connection, but, ...
default route through the tunnel, so all traffic goes to the RRAS server.
and add three static network routes.
REPLY from : Giridharan Sridharan [MSFT]
MY Reply to him:
I followed the directions in your document and it almost worked.
Specifically, I tried to get the CMAK method to work.
I also followed the directions in this URL:
The problem is that if you choose "All Users" in the CMAK profile, when you install
the connectoid, it doesn't install the correct directory structure and files.
More specifically,
C:\documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\<profile_name>\CMROUTE.DLL
etc. does not exist.
If you choose "My use only" everything gets installed correctly.
C:\documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\<profile_name>\CMROUTE.DLL
etc. gets created, but after you connect and it comes time to set the static routes, I get this error in the Connectoid log:
[cmdial32] 22:54:44 21 Clear Log Event
[cmdial32] 22:55:01 04 Pre-Connect Event ConnectionType = 1
[cmdial32] 22:55:01 06 Pre-Tunnel Event UserName = vpnuser Domain = DUNSetting = Callwave Tunnel DeviceName = TunnelAddress = tunnel.callwave.com
[cmdial32] 22:55:02 07 Connect Event
[cmdial32] 22:55:03 08 Custom Action Dll ActionType = Connect Actions Description = to update your routing table ActionPath = C:\Documents and Settings\pjc\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\CWCMAK\CMROUTE.DLL ReturnValue = 0x8007000b
[cmdial32] 22:55:03 20 On-Error Event ErrorCode = -2147024885 ErrorSource = to update your routing table
[cmdial32] 22:55:03 12 Disconnect Event CallingProcess = C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmdial32.dll
So, what's the problem?
It seems like every time I try to get anything to work on Windows it "should" be simple, but it never is!
I always end up with some obtuse error and have no idea where to proceed.
Help please.