Hello Klaus,
I searched on the WB-1200p from the link that you sent me and got this -
- link. Before you do anything else, I suggest that you look very carefully
at the list of drivers, and make absolutely sure that the one you applied to
install the WB-1200p was the appropriate one for that unit. If it wasn't, or
if there's any doubt, get the most likely-looking driver from that list and
install it before going any further.
I can't tell from the online documentation etc whether the unit is
supposed to be Plug'n'Play - i.e. whether Windows XP would natively
recognise that it's being connected to new hardware, when you plug the
device into a spare USB port for the first time - but I'd be most surprised
to find that it isn't. Have you tried the webcam on another PC or laptop?
That might give you a clue - if it works elsewhere, your own PC is faulty -
if it doesn't work elsewhere, the unit itself is suspect.
My best guess at the moment is that the unit probably *is* defective,
and should be returned for replacement. In order to save yourself further
trouble, though, before taking or sending it back to wherever you bought it
from when you aren't absolutely sure that it's broken, I suggest that you
should contact the Trust Helpdesk on this
http://www.trust.com/support/contact.aspx?item=13405 link, and ask them (a)
'is this unit Plug'n'Play?', and (b) 'what does Error 80004005 mean when I
try to run the Webcam after installing <whichever driver you selected>?'
That should get you a helpful response from Trust - you might also like to
ask the Helpdesk for a link to the correct driver while you're about it, so
that you can get the thing going without any more delay.
Good luck with that - do me a favour and post what you find out, and
then we'll all learn something new